Exercise Motivation @ goal weight

Help Please!

MFP has been a great motivator for tracking progress for monitoring weight loss, and I'm still using it to log food & exercise in order to maintain; however, I've noticed that I was more motivated to work out when my calorie budget was lower. I'd get up early and run 4 miles in order to go out for a nice lunch with friends. Now that I can fit more of the things I want into my daily calorie goal, I'm not working out as much other than daily walks and stairs during the week.

Any ideas for motivators to get me out of bed in the morning to help meet the other goals? 1. improve 5k time; 2. Brazil Butt Lift; 3. Tighten Abs; 4. Increase Strength (currently I'm only doing these on the weekend). I log exercise in MFP, but there's nothing in the system to set exercise goals and show me as red or green depending on whether I did it or not. Any ideas on tricking the system or using another app in a similar way?
