Constantly around sweets. Advice for just saying no.

I just don't keep that crap in my house, therefore it's not a problem when I'm home. I have some frozen yogurt that I sometimes indulge in- a couple bites and I'm done.

However, I work out of town and stay a couple nights per week with my boss and my god, does she have a sweet tooth. At any given time there are m&ms AND cupcakes AND ice cream AND cookies around. I think it's the variety that gets me. It's hard not to have a little of everything. I stay out of the house most of the day which mostly removes temptation but then she's always offering me something. Telling her I'm trying to lose weight has not deterred her in the slightest.

I know the answer is obvious: just don't have any. And that self discipline is a muscle that gets stronger with practice. I guess this is more of a rant than anything, but if anyone has any particular strategies or things that they tell themselves, I'd appreciate hearing it.


  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    This is a mental challenge. You have to choose to say no,
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    This probably won't be a popular answer but what about deciding which of the things you'd like to indulge in a little and do just that. If it were me the M&Ms would win hand-down so maybe let yourself have an ounce of those.

    I'm working on reminding myself (because I do lack willpower when it comes to chocolate) that it will still be there tomorrow, it's not going anywhere, I can always have some next time, etc. which surprisingly, really seems to be working for me. But then I have huge issues with food and I know it and I'm striving to develop a healthier attitude towards eating.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    This is a mental challenge. You have to choose to say no,

    This ^^ You might also be able to try to bring something for you to snack on that is not going to be horrible for you and eat that instead. Or make popcorn :P
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I save enough calories to have a little something every day! I'm around all of that stuff all the time....matter of fact, the kitchenette is right next to my desk at the office and there's always junk in there! I know that I can have a bit of something every day, so it's really not a big deal to me anymore. I had a donut once, and it turns out that the one I chose was almost 400 cals!! Had to have a super light dinner that night!! Wasn't worth it, but I enjoyed it at the time and kept within my counts.

    If I don't save cals for some chocolate at the end of the day, then I go without. No worries, because I can always have some tomorrow! I've learned that if I deprive myself of something, I just want it that much took a while, but now I can do with a couple of squares of chocolate each night instead of a whole bar. I also make smarter choices during the day to save for that 'treat' later!! :)
  • ascotton80
    ascotton80 Posts: 56 Member
    It's all about priorities.
  • fraser112
    Up your fat intake from good fats.

    Sounds random but i find when i eat nuts/eggs ect i almost completly loose my urge for sweets.

    The less fat, the more my body craves sweets.