Motivation - reborn!

So after losing a ton of weight to go on a nice Jamaica vacay this past March I came back and have been unmotivated and gained alot of weight back :(

Well news of a possible Jamaica vacay in 2 months again and totally REMOTIVATED me :) Funny the things that throw us back on track!


  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    Agreed! And also how we lose motivation so quickly, once we've achieved our Goals. I guess that's why they say set your Goals really high, but have smaller Goals along the way. Or make certain to establish new goals before or immediately after you achieve your last goal. :-) To losing more!!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey whatever gets us on track ROCKS!!!! I too lost motivation once I hit my, 12 lbs heavier, and not quite into my big jeans, but NOT fitting into my small jeans...... mine has been re-born as well! We have GOT THIS!!
  • I totally understand how easy it is to lull yourself into believing that you can be more forgiving about your food once you've reached goal. It's happened to me years ago. It's as though you get instant amnesia about how you felt when you were BIG and how hard it was to get to where you are. I hate that! But I like the suggestion to make a new goal once you've reached your goal weight. Great idea!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I gained back almost 35 lbs that I had lost :sad: I am so stinkin mad at myself!
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    So... I should plan a Jamaican vacation. :happy: Thanks for the tip! :tongue:
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    3 days of success so far :wink: