Newbee Here

Hi all. This is my first day and am very excited. I've already learned that the toughest thing to get away from in my diet is sugar. I'm not even talking about cookies or regular soda. Sugar in wheat bread, sugar in fat free salad dressing, sugar in ketchup, sugar in fruits!, sugar in cheese, a little sugar in everything is a lot of sugar! Do you know how much sugar is in a bannana?!? 12grams! This is a good way to solve this problem, so I don't have to be in the dark about it. I probably have to check into some diabetes forums and resources, but if anyone found a simple answer to a similar problem, do tell.

I know this will help like nothing else can... I lost 50lbs (which I gained back), following a day-by-day tracking program. If I don't, I really could spend the next year in the same place thinking I'm doing something just by thinking about it or by having an active week every other week or even skipping a month since so many other things require my focus. This should come first and I know that now. It is work well worth it, not something I can put away when I'm done. I plan on getting into shape this year, but I also need to keep it that way, so I think I'll be here for as long as the site is up and running.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • BetterVersion
    Welcome to MFP :)

    It's amazing how much crap we consume and don't even realize it, right?! It's an eye opening experience when you first begin logging your food. You never think you're eating "that bad" until you log it.

    My focus right now is to not only lose weight, but to improve my mentality and relationship with food. So far, I seem to be doing alright, and I've noticed that this time around (I've lost and gained dramatic amounts of weight in the past) something really is different. So "keeping it that way" is definitely one of my goals as well this coming year (and every year following.)

    Good luck to you!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    WELCOME! :heart:
  • pyckse
    pyckse Posts: 84
    Welcome, this is a great site~lots of info, recipes, advice for those of us who are looking to get fit!!!:flowerforyou:
  • splooshcar
    Fellow newbie, just joined today.

    I totally agree. how bad can a grilled cheese sandwich really be?? and those little-tiny chocolates, ugh. My husband and I joined a gym 2 years ago because we were both frustrated with our weight. We go religiously and bike outside on weekends, great cardiovascular shape, but we both GAINED weight (and I'm not talking muscle mass). It's amazing how quickly the foods we eat can thwart the hours spent in the gym. I'm hoping the conscious effort the track daily calories will help me curb cravings and stay on track.
    Have you thought of joining an exercise class? I live in a city and the community rec dept offers a lot of classes for less $$ than a gym membership. The instructor knows when I'm gone and there's more accountability than the treadmill. :wink:

    good luck to you and welcome