What are your weekend plans to stay OP??

Weekends are always hard. The deviation from routine, the social gatherings, and the having less control over where and what will be available to eat. So what do you have going on and what are you going to do in order to stay on plan all weekend. Here is my plan:

No restaurants this weekend.
Track EVERYTHING I put in my mouth regardless of how ugly the numbers turn out to be.
Abstain from alcohol.
Find extra ways to get moving.

Friday: Board games with friends. Bringing a clean dessert I already made, eating everything else in moderation and tracking.

Saturday: Husker football gameday at our house, no drinking for me, making everyone breakfast which gives me control over the food. Making dinner at home. Do day 3 of couch to 5k in the evening after the game.

Sunday: NFL football at friends house. Making healthy dish to bring, eating everything else in moderation, drinking tons of H2O, track everything. Make breakfast and dinner at home.

What is your plan?


  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I love your plans .

    For me ; I don't have everyday planned out yet... it's kind of just me finding stuff to do , going out with people.

    But I want to aim for some sort of exercise each day .

    Log every calorie.

    No binging .

    Drinking only water or coffee, tea, milk ..

  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Tonight : Hubby won’t be home so I’ll probably eat a very light dinner and then be a dork and dance around the house since I’ll be alone. Sounds lame, but I did this last time he was out for the night and I know I burned a lot of cals.

    Saturday : Up at 7 am. Out the door at 8 am. Working (well volunteering) at the New England Pet Expo all day from 9 am – after 6 pm. I will be on my feet most of the day and away from food. I’ll probably just bring veggies to snack on.

    Sunday: If my knee is better, I will go for a walk, likely less than my usual 8 miles because I don’t want to risk furthering the damage I did when I fell the other day.

    No restaurants, log everything, drink lots of water. Work off any junkfood I consume.
  • skinny__mama
    skinny__mama Posts: 13 Member
    I have no specific plans, but I would love to go hiking on Sunday. So tomorrow, I will do groceries, buy lots of healthy stuff, to pack for lunch during our hike. Then I have to convince my fiance to come with me. LOL I actually do better on weekends, because my fiance analyses everything I eat, knowing my end goal.

    Good luck to all of you and have fun!!
  • Tracepa98
    I have plans to catch up on my laundry, clean my room a bit and definitely get a few workouts in. I will be at home mostly so i can control what i eat and when i eat. I may go to a movie but plan on sneaking in some of my healthy treats in my purse or just portioning out the bad ones so Im not tempted to go overboard on the box sized ones they have there.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Well, let's see. Tonight I am going to a food truck party to sample to awesome street food and drink beer and then tomorrow I am going to a very famous, nasty Mexican food restaurant for some grease, margaritas and good people. My weekend is fooked but I plan on riding my bike so I'm not worried about it.
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    Fridays? Relax, chill cool down after my last workout for the week.

    Saturdays? Cleaning day mostly. Yeah, Boooooring, but gotta get done. After that, chill with friends online, gaming, etc.

    Sundays? Free day, do whatever. I mostly spend a lotta time in front of the PC hanging out with friends or making plans for things. If I'm a touch bored or jittery, I get on the bike for a little and burn it away, then a shower, and you just feel so relaxed.
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    Fridays are always bad for me. We go out to dinner with a group of friends and then back to someone's house for dessert. I fully expect to go over. But on Saturday I will get in a good bike ride and Sunday go to the gym. My burn will be good so it gives me more flexibility on the diet.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Looks like you are set for the weekend :)

    I'm hoping to stay busy with my kiddos at the park and watch my Texans play on Sunday. Its really hard to keep track on the weekends because my hubby loves to go out to eat. I will just have to say no like I use to before.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Tonight - I don't have many cals left so I'm making a tortilla pizza. Filling but within my planned intake for the day.

    Saturday - Be out all day, mostly climbing followed by much walking. Won't really be able to eat much during the day due to activities. Will have plenty of cals to eat with on Saturday evening.

    Sunday - Out again at the Lambeth Country Show. Much walking but also lots of temptation. I'm having my ritual country show pancake and fruit salad. The rest I'll work with moderation. Home cooked dinner in the evening.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    It sounds like you have a good plan. I am not quite that disciplined. I did without drinking for 2 months and lost a lot of weight, but now I allow myself a few drinks on the weekends only. Tonight I am meeting my happy hour group and we are eating at a Mexican restaurant so I will choose a fajita or shrimp salad rather than the chili relleno and cheese enchilada that I use to have. Then we are going to see a musical called Honky Tonk Angels at the Bastrop Opera House. Tomorrow night we are going to an outside concert to see the Eggmen, a Beatles cover band. I will be sure to limit my alcohol so I don't gain back the 2 pounds I lost this week. I will try to squeese a Zumba class in to help burn off the extra calories. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    yeah...saturday is my cheat day. if i didnt have a cheat day, id have fallen off track everyday. however, my cheat day i plan to not go over maintenance or a little bit above. i still have some calories banked from this week. second i plan to exercise to burn some calories and sundays are my rest day except walking or yoga, will also be cleaning on saturday as well in the morning for about an hour... yup! i love weekends.....but it is hard to stay on track, which is why i dont put so much pressure on myself for it.
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    Friday...no work. Just cleaning the house, running errands, and getting my 8 miles in. Eating like I normally do.

    Saturday, getting my walking in before 2pm...having friends over for a GIRLS NIGHT IN...everybody is bringing something to share, so will do my best to behave.

    Sunday, getting my 8 miles in...then who knows!

    Love how you have planned out your weekend! Great job!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't make plans, I set goals. :wink: Things never seem to work out as I plan them, which really frustrates me. My GOALS for the weekend:

    Friday evening: Grocery shopping, clean my bedroom, work on editing some photos from a wedding I shot a few weeks ago, make a healthy light dinner.

    Saturday: Get up early and go for a walk/run in the park downtown, eat light and healthy, clean off the front porch/patio furniture, work on more photo editing, maybe go do something fun in the evening.

    Sunday: Church, Panthers football, church (pm service), again light and healthy eating, early bedtime.
  • brandypinky22
    brandypinky22 Posts: 22 Member
    I did without drinking for 2 months and lost a lot of weight, but now I allow myself a few drinks on the weekends only.

    I still have some drinks every once and awhile. With my social group if I had a beer every time I wanted to I would never lose. So, I make plans and reserve drinking for what I consider semi-special occasions. Next time will be the Wisconsin Nebraska game at the end of September. Since I live three blocks from the Huskers stadium and am originally from Wisconsin this is a huge game and we will be having a lot of guests over.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    weeeelll food is not completely in my control this weekend as I'm going to visit family for my brothers birthday tomorrow and then my fiance's nieces birthday party is sunday..... BUT I'm running 6.5mi on Saturday and will be hitting the gym Sunday morning for a second go at the spartacus workout.... So I'm not too worried about my food this weekend. :)
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I did without drinking for 2 months and lost a lot of weight, but now I allow myself a few drinks on the weekends only.

    I still have some drinks every once and awhile. With my social group if I had a beer every time I wanted to I would never lose. So, I make plans and reserve drinking for what I consider semi-special occasions. Next time will be the Wisconsin Nebraska game at the end of September. Since I live three blocks from the Huskers stadium and am originally from Wisconsin this is a huge game and we will be having a lot of guests over.

    I haven't had a drink in over 8 months and it hasn't helped my weight loss at all. :grumble:
  • Shamrock_me
    This is a GREAT question!!! (Mostly because I do have plans)

    Camping!!! A little on Saturday and I will bring protein bars, celery, peanut butter but I won't abstain from items like S'mores - the most important thing this weekend is hanging out with family that isn't a funeral. I plan to hike a whole lot & still hit the gym Saturday morning before the "Bug Out" so that no matter what I get my burn in. I might even do some fishing or coax my fitness freak little cousin into a race or a sack race..

    This trip might get funny!! :laugh:
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    This evening I planned to give myself a deep conditioning treatment for my hair.

    Saturday, I plan to go to FH' god son's pee-wee football game in the a.m. Later, I'll be doing a lil' shopping for kitchen gadgets and groceries to prepare meals for next weeks lunch & dinners for me & FH. Sunday, prep & prepare dishes for the week while watching In the Kitchen with David on QVC and getting some much needed rest.

    My FH & I are both doing a low carb diet so we're not drinking any alcohol, come Sunday we will be out of the Induction phase. We are also being very strict with our sodium intake so, a restaurant will be pre-determined as far as where & what we'll be eating and of course it will be logged.

    No real excercise for me as I work out Mon. - Fri. for about 1 1/2hr give or take so it will be leisurley weekend for me but still drinking plenty of water (this is whats the hardest for me to do on the weekends cause I'm not working out).
  • girllovedcupcakes
    girllovedcupcakes Posts: 109 Member
    I always end up eating less on the weekends for some reason. Last weekend I actually packed my snacks and lunch with me while I ran errands around town that way I wouldn't be tempted to eat anything on the run.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hey I like this!!

    Tonight: Outdoor concert. I saved enough calories today for a couple beers and a hot dog for dinner.

    Saturday: P90X cardio workout and lots of stretching in the morning, wedding at night. Going to enjoy my dinner (and cake!!) and dance my face off to burn more cals.

    Sunday: Relax! Either take the day off from exercise or do some yoga/stretching, and back to normal eating.