I've been thinking...

aqcannon Posts: 48 Member
So, lately, as I've been shrinking out of clothes and looking for new ones on a limited budget, I've been thinking about how difficult it is for a guy my size (6'7", 370 lbs) to find clothes at a thrift store or discount store. I'm wondering if all of you have similar experiences.
I can find lots of clothes at the specialty big and tall stores and even in the big and tall sections of some of the bigger chain stores (WalMart, Target, JCP, etc), but can't find used clothes very easily. One of the difficulties I've encountered is that, with limited budget, I don't want to spend a ton of money buying new clothes that fit, just to shrink out of them in a few months. I'd rather find quality used or donated clothes that I can pay a fair price for and still look good but wouldn't feel too guilty (financially-speaking) if I had to re-donate them again when they no longer fit.
I hate walking into thrift stores to find clothes for me (or my super-tall kids) just to strike out and then have to go pay so much more for them new.

I have a lot of friends and family in the area who seem to run into the same difficulty and the thought occurred to me that maybe, in a community like MFP with folks of all shapes and sizes and where we're all trying to get in shape and support each other, maybe we could do sort of a Swap Meet of our own. You know like me saying "I have several pairs of nice docker-style pants in size 56/32 if anyone is interested." It could be a trade thing, or it could be a sort of consignment store type of deal where some stuff is donated and then sold with a chunk of the sale price going to the donor. I'm just tossing out ideas. I'd be willing to serve as a gatekeeper/liaison-kind of person if folks wanted to do that.

I saw one of my MFP friend's posts that he had just donated a whole slew of clothes to a charity yard sale and I thought how cool it would be to support each other (at whatever stage of the journey we're on) through our own donations.

I don't know. I'm just spit-balling here, but if anyone's interested, I'd be willing to serve as a gatekeeper/liaison-type to coordinate.

OK, 'nuff said.

Happy Weekend everyone!!
