After the 1st week, no weight loss. Help?

So I have been working out and eating healthy since last wednesday. Some days I do 30 Day Shred or Turbo Jam Cardio Party and sometimes paired with a half hour to an hour walk at a moderate pace.

I'm 5 feet tall and weight 210.6lbs. Normally when I start off any diet/exercise I lose a few lbs in the first week without trying hard. However this week I felt I tried pretty hard to track my food very accurately, sometimes weighing food I was unsure about the portion of. You can check out my food diary, I know some of the food I eat is processed but I'm kind of in a transitioning place, and normally I can eat junk food and cut down on the amount and lose weight.

However I've been making a real effort and when I weighed myself this morning... absolutely no weight loss.
I have been relatively active,walking from my classes across campus, taking the stairs, doing house work, drinking lots of water.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not going to give up, however I am a little disappointed. I feel some changes in my body but I'm really confused as to why after all this work there is no change on the scale when I'm significantly overweight and should have been able to lose easily at first..

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!


  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Wait at least 3 weeks when starting a new habit to see changes. The weight didn't get put on in one week, so it's not going to come off in a week. Stick with it and you will notice changes.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    First....its only the first week and all that new exercise may be causing water retention. Drink more water. At 210lbs you should be drinking a minimum of 100oz per day!

    Second - I looked at your diary and you busted fat almost every day since last Wed and most days were high in carbs. You also busted calories a couple days. So all of that combine you may see your weight come off slower.

    My suggestion is to:
    Lower fat (and the fat you do eat should be more natural/healthy- no junk or processed foods)
    Maintain/lower carbs
    Keep your calories around 1400 per day NET
    Drink 10-15 glassesof water a day
    Exercise a little more - get that heart rate up!!

    Don't give up - you can do this, but you need to stay focused!! Good luck.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    First....its only the first week and all that new exercise may be causing water retention. Drink more water. At 210lbs you should be drinking a minimum of 100oz per day!

    Second - I looked at your diary and you busted fat almost every day since last Wed and most days were high in carbs. You also busted calories a couple days. So all of that combine you may see your weight come off slower.

    My suggestion is to:
    Lower fat (and the fat you do eat should be more natural/healthy- no junk or processed foods)
    Maintain/lower carbs
    Keep your calories around 1400 per day NET
    Drink 10-15 glassesof water a day
    Exercise a little more - get that heart rate up!!

    Don't give up - you can do this, but you need to stay focused!! Good luck.

    I agree with everything she said ^

    And...give it time.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    watch what you are eating ...... sodium alone can hold in that water...and that is what a person basically loses starting off.
  • Thanks :)

    I'll try to do a better job of watching the carbs/fat part, I was mostly focused on calories and fiber.

    I'm definitely trying to be patient, this is just sort of a new situation for me to not have lost any weight and I was worried that somehow I had majorly screwed up even though I had drastically changed my diet from junk food to healthier food (and it still needs more change, I know).

    I'll keep working on it ;)
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
  • AlliH621
    AlliH621 Posts: 102 Member
    I agree with the first few comments! So I would also do those things. KEEP IT UP - you're on track - just don't stop yet.

    Also - make sure you are exercising at least 30 minutes at a time. Your heartrate needs to be elevelated for a while before those calories actually start burning off. I try to exercise an hour at a time, or 45 minutes.

    When you eat things that are high in sodium - drink even MORE water!

    I also would try not eating back ALL of your calories you burn exercising. Just try it and see if that helps. Don't do it every day - because your body needs that energy, but some days, just try to not eat all of them back.

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    First....its only the first week and all that new exercise may be causing water retention. Drink more water. At 210lbs you should be drinking a minimum of 100oz per day!

    Second - I looked at your diary and you busted fat almost every day since last Wed and most days were high in carbs. You also busted calories a couple days. So all of that combine you may see your weight come off slower.

    My suggestion is to:
    Lower fat (and the fat you do eat should be more natural/healthy- no junk or processed foods)
    Maintain/lower carbs
    Keep your calories around 1400 per day NET
    Drink 10-15 glassesof water a day
    Exercise a little more - get that heart rate up!!

    Don't give up - you can do this, but you need to stay focused!! Good luck.

    Good advice above, minus the part about lowering fat. I customized my MFP goals and I eat LOTS of fat. Not canola oil, margarine or other junk like that. Coconut oil, olive oil, butter, animal fats, avocado, nuts, and full fat dairy (depending on the dairy and the person, it is not necessarily healthy). I am 210 (used to be 290) and I drink at least 12 cups of water and have a fairly low sodium intake since most of my food is prepared from scratch. I've also recently purchased a second-hand Bowflex (don't have it yet) so will be adding in regular weight training. I actually expect to GAIN weight for the first few weeks after starting my routine, but my body will still get smaller.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    What worked for me was raising my fat intake to 50% of calories, but removing processed oils. Lowering my carb intake including removing grains and sugars. Eating low glycemic carbs when you do have them. Going for a walk or bike ride once in a while was all I did. I think weight lifting as an exersize is the best solution, it seems to work much better. I never do "chronic" cardio.