First timer from Houston, TX

Hi everyone. My name is Murphy and I am a type 1.5 diabetic. (For those that are diabetes, then 1.5 isn't something new.) This is my first day being on myfitnesspal and I downloaded the apps for my iphone and ipad. I am looking to drop about 20 pounds by thanksgiving. I am looking forward to being friends with lots of people that are going through the same that I am. Also those that are not diabetics and just want to make a life change and lose weight.

P.S. I almost also started crossfit last week and it is crazy intense. I recommend it for those who are looking for a challenge when it comes to exercising.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    welcome aboard murphy and congrats on setting those goals for yourself..! Once you make dieting/excerciesa part of your routine you will ntice huge benefits! It is just a lifestyle change...

    Ae you still doing crossfit or ae you easinginto working out and then going back to it?

    fell free to add me...
  • ClophusM
    ClophusM Posts: 5 Member
    yea, I am still doing crossfit. In fact, I just got back from doing crossfit and I am a little sore right now.