exercising w/ spouse? How to handle this-?



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    When I did 30DS, Jillian said that not enough people do the "old" situps, they are good for your lower abs, back & hips....I'm definitely not an expert - don't know if Jillian is exactly either though?!? :/
    not on the bed and using just momentum, I doubt. he needs to work oh upper abs.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    As far as working out with your spouse, kinda falls under loaning family money or getting a friend a job.

    Yes! This!!

    You can't count on a spouse for support when exercising, it's too big of an expectation to put on one another. Your best off doing it for yourself and by yourself. Let him see the results and be inspired by them. That's what I'm doing.

    I do not want or need support. I just want to do it together. If it ends up being loathesome, I wil go it on my own, like I have been all these years. Maybe we can compromise- like gym together (because it isn't necessairly 'together same stuff', just proximal)- and bike rides/rock climbing together, but my pilates and calesthenics are all my time and he can do whatevrr 'at home exercise' on his own.

    I like the "gym together" idea... nice compromise.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    you cant isolate the lower and upper abs no more than you can only flew half of your bicep.
  • dealer37
    haha I can relate... my gf is SUPER skinny too, and never really had any muscle.. just started working out with me. she has terrible form too and gets pissed when I correct her. I just keep trying, and saying take the advice and I'm not trying to embarrass you....
    she is getting better though.
    idk about a guy though, helping him might hurt his ego. lols. just keep trying to correct him and/or show him the proper way, maybe he will slowly come around.
    I know how frustrating it can be in that situation though.
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    As far as working out with your spouse, kinda falls under loaning family money or getting a friend a job.

    Yes! This!!

    You can't count on a spouse for support when exercising, it's too big of an expectation to put on one another. Your best off doing it for yourself and by yourself. Let him see the results and be inspired by them. That's what I'm doing.

    Wow, this makes me extra grateful for my fiance! We weight lift together 3x a week and bike or hike on the weekends. Working out together is one of the best parts of our relationship. I definitely don't think that it's "too big of an expectation;" we motivate each other and out competitive tendencies get us to the gym on days we might have liked to sleep in. I'd never have gotten where I am now without him.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    you cant isolate the lower and upper abs no more than you can only flew half of your bicep.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    A_ how bad is it to exercise like that? am I just being too picky in what I think is the right way?

    B- I guess I should just be thankful he is trying.... but it drives me bonkers and I always have to say something. How would you handle it? How would you hold your tongue??

    Now bike riding and things with 'equiptment' like that are OK. it's the calisthenics, I guess. (that word is hard for me to spell)

    My honey baby is a little different. He's HUGE on form. He wants form to be perfect so much that he drives me nuts and I'm self conscious to exercise in front of him. He's gone through all the training, all the planning and prep to learn the right ways to do EVERYthing. The difference is...since being with me and a bit before me, he hasn't been pushing himself to exercise. He's thin and small build. He has a bit of a belly (I still think he's gorgeous but hey.) He just hasn't found a way to motivate because of a car accident he had at 20 that destroyed part of his back in the discs. He's in a lot of paint. I can't blame him. I find the exercise ball helps me as I'm in a lot of back pain lately too.

    He doesn't hold his tongue with me and while I'm self-conscious of my form (I do crunches, using my muscles and not my momentum) I know he cares because he says something. All you can do is tell him the right way once or twice. Cite studies if you have to. Send him links to those if it helps. Give him some helpful yoga routines for his back (there are some on YouTube) and the rest will be up to him.
  • zimer2052
    The best thing to do is have them do a couple of sessions with certified personal trainers. If hes like most guys (me included), we believe that men know more about exercising than women. Don't give yourself a headache and the pass issue to a certified trainer.

    good luck !
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    The best thing to do is have them do a couple of sessions with certified personal trainers. If hes like most guys (me included), we believe that men know more about exercising than women. Don't give yourself a headache and the pass issue to a certified trainer.

    good luck !

    I am thinking this is best.
    and I bought a couple of books for bodyweight type exercises for me to read- which he can borrow if he is so inclined.