I have not lost weight nor inches can someone please help me

yolandita Posts: 23 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been counting calories for about three weeks now, and I still have not lost any weight. My start weight was 191lbs and I am now 188 lbs, but my body continously teeter totter between the 188 and191 lbs. I don't know what i'm doing wrong since I stay within my caloric limit and do omitt 100 calories- 200 calories from my daily suggested diet of 1500 calories that was given to me by this website. I don't know how much my fat intake should be, but I do go by the calorie chart and do not go over my fat and carbs intake. However, i'm beginning to think that I should not be consuming as much fat and carbs that I am currently consuming but I don't know how that works, If someone could help me with that then that would be great. I am 5'6 and over weight and am literally a step away from being obese. I am scared and exhausted from playing diet games and I just want to see some real results. I do interval training, and weight training on the same day for an hour three times a week, and on the other days I just do light cardio for 20 minutes and weight training for an additional 25 minutes. I also have not lost weight or inches yet and I seriously need help. If anyone out there coul please help me that would be great because I don't know anymore about my daily nutritional intake than what has been provided by this website. PLEASE HELP ME:sad: :sad: I feel so bad right now:sad:


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'm no expert or doctor or anything, but it sounds like you may want to switch up your exercise routine and do less weight training and more cardio - many people who are successful on here start out by doing mostly cardio with a little weight training, and then as they get closer to their goal weight, do more weight training. It is my understanding that cardio (whichever you choose - walking, treadmill, running, elliptical, etc.) will burn more calories & fat than weight lifting, so if it is weight loss you are focusing on, you might want to focus more on cardio... Hopefully some of the other MFPers will chime in too.
  • I may not have the answer, but I want you to know you aren't alone. Stay strong! I know it is frustrating right now, but you are making a change for the better. Here are some thoughts that might help. Try mixing and matching, everyone's body is different and it takes a while to find out what works for you.

    1) Maybe you should eat all of your allotted 1500 calories. Your body may be in starvation mode and is holding on to everything you eat. Be sure to add in as many fruits and vegtables as you can.
    2) Are you on any medication that might be causing your body to have trouble losing weight? Maybe consult a doctor.
    3) If you are snacking 2 hours before bedtime stop, this is what was holding me back.
    4) If possible see if you can step up cardio, go longer, or increase the intensity. I think the daily recommended exercise has been bumped up to 60 minutes due to today's slower lifestyle. Keep up with weights, but you really should only need to do that 2 times a week. Be sure to eat your exercise calories as well.
    5) Drink that water! Diet pop is not the same as water.

    I hope this helps give you new ideas to try. You can do it!
  • Don't get too frustrated. Losing weight depends on our metabolism, which is affected by numerous factors: age, activity, food intake, etc. Keep eating. I know that sounds strange, but we need to feed our bodies. In fact, the more frequently we eat, the more we boost our metabolism - but this must be done with caution - you need to eat well-balanced and healthy meals and snacks. If you're feeling more tired on the days you do weights, try increasing our calorie intake slightly for that day - your body may be trying to tell you that it needs more energy. And make sure you are getting your calories from nutrient dense foods. Many people make the mistake of reducing calories, but still are eating highly processed foods - essentially empty calories.
    Keep up with the weight training 3-4 times a week. Gaining a bit of muscle increases metabolism (translation: more fat burning!). I would try increasing your intensity (both weights and cardio). Progression is key to any regime. Also, make sure you are doing your cardio after your do weights. So your workout would look like this: light warm-up (5min), weights, cardio intervals. Think of it like this: Our bodies preferentially use carbohydrates for fuel during exercise, so if you lift weights first, you use up your carb stores, so then you end up switching over to fat stores during your interval work (yay!).
    Also, don't forget, it's been a short period of time!! Keep working at it, and you will see results.

    Good Luck!

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I feel for you and went throught the same thing with dieting and exercise, found I was hypothyroid. Please get a blood check to see where all your hormone levels are! Mine have been way off for many years!!! I feel sooooo much better now!
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    It's only been 3 weeks. Be patient. Your body is probably adjusting to all the changes you've tossed at it in the last few weeks. It will hold tight to what it has until it understands the changes and comfortable with them.

    Also, eat your 1500 calories per day. Working out the way you are, you need them. Our bodies need fuel for exercise, it just needs to be the right kind of fuel. Higher carbs and fat are fine, just make sure you're eating the right ones. Whole grain carbs and good fats (i.e. natural pb, avocados, nuts).

    Keep going. Know that you are doing something really good for your body even if the scale isn't showing you love. Remember, the alternative isn't any better.
  • yolandita
    yolandita Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks so much to everyone who commented on my post. I will take all of ya'lls advice in to consideration and apply them to my daily life to the best of my ability. It just feels better to know that i'm not alone, thanks.
  • Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day each time and with the same scale? I can vary up to 3 lbs in a day. Make sure you weigh at the the same time. For example I weigh in the morning as soon as I wake up on Fridays. 3 lbs in 3 weeks is not bad. Don't give up. Ditto on the earlier post of more cardio, maybe aim for 30 minutes a few days a week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    I know it doesn't help, but I'm going to counsel patience as well. Three weeks isn't really enough time for your body to register the changes you've made. And if you're weighing in more than once a week, STOP! Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day, as you eat, drink, excrete, sweat...you get the picture. Establish a day and time that you weigh in and stick to it. For example, I weigh in on Sunday mornings, after going to the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything.

    Also, as a previous poster or two suggested, switch up your exercise routine. Add in more cardio, reduce the time you spend on weights, and do the cardio after the weights.

    And eat your exercise calories. MFP automatically calculates a calorie deficit for you. If you then burn another 500 calories working out, your net calories are going to be too low, and your body thinks "uh-oh, famine!" and holds on to the fat.
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