Embarrasing wardrobe malfunctions



  • D3vAnge1
    D3vAnge1 Posts: 104 Member
    So, I've lost quite a bit of weight and continue to try to make my "old" wardrobe work cuz I've a few, well 35-40 more pounds I wanna drop.........

    Out playing with my kids and down dropped my pants, belt and all (funny although they were hanging on with all their might, my panties almost joined the group, lol). Mind you, my neighbors on both sides of me were out that day as well, the men on one side putting up a shed and a lady and her daughter.....VERY embarrassing! As I am very new to the community and offered a "WELCOME!" to them all.

  • francybee
    francybee Posts: 4 Member
    hahahahaha! These are hilarious!!!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    This thread should require pics.....just sayin....


    If there are no pics, it didn't happen!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Having lost a lot of weight I have bought an entirely new wardrobe including underwear. I went to work recently in a dress. Throughout the morning it became apparent that my underwear was too big but when walking over a crossing at lunchtime then fell right down to my ankles. I stepped out of them, smiled at the watching drivers and carried on walking, leaving the panties on the crossing!!

    This is the most winning story I have heard all year!
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    When I was 16 I used to bodysurf a lot, and was trying to impress a (8 years older) surfer I had a thing for, so I wore a halterneck bikini one day instead of my usual tight singlet/short shorts combo (it was practical and the surf was cold!).
    I was walking back into shore when a dumper wave hit me from behind and popped the back of my bikini undone (one of those plastic snaps ones), next thing it flies up over & off my ta-tas and is swinging around my neck. Thankfully he didn't see! Just the rest of the people on the beach.

    I did end up with him that summer though, apparently he'd noticed me long before my bikini-attention-seeking attempt!
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    Before starting my weight loss journey, I wore a really cute skirt and jacket to work. Halfway through the day, I noticed a big rip down the seam in the back of the skirt, below the zipper. Thankfully my jacket was long enough to cover it. Unfortunately, it was warm enough that day it looked a little odd that I kept it on all day. It wasn't really my wake up call to lose weight, but it helped.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I had a blue and black lace V neck dress that had a beautiful dip waaaay down the back for my junor prom. but it was a rush buy because of my super small frame. we couldnt alter it enough, so my date (now my fiance) recieved a call to buy double sided tape. We did the best we could.....but Greg went a little crazy on a romantic, dramatic dip........and my ladies made an appearance for the entire school to see. small school....i know everyone saw. greg was oblivious. after that incident i seriously considered just borrowing a stapler.
  • Rage4lightning
    Rage4lightning Posts: 72 Member
    My boyfriend and I were heading back to his place after attending a wedding. We decided to have a fancy dinner with some wine but he didn't have any in his apartment. I volunteered to go to the liquor store just up the street and pick some up while he started preparing the food. Everything was going just fine until I walked back out of the store to get into the car. It had suddenly become very windy...and I, of course, was wearing a dress. All of the fine gentlemen inside got a good look at my panties from behind.

    And then there was yesterday. I wore a dress (different one!) to work that I haven't worn in a couple of weeks. I had no idea until I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror that I've apparently lost enough weight to make the arm holes seem much wider than they were when I bought the dress. My bra was perfectly visible through the side of my dress nearly the whole day...and I didn't bring a jacket. And I'm not talking about the straps or side of the bra either.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    There are a few that I could tell; was in the bathroom when my partner got into a foot chase, I pulled myself together as quickly as I could to back him but in my haste did not tighten my pants belt. As I was catching up I catching up I could feel with each step everything from the waist down start moving South. I was more concerned with helping my partner than stopping to hike everything up so I kept going. He caught the suspect and after a short ground grapple he was cuffed and secured. I hiked things back in place and figured when we got back to the station I would tidy myself up. I was greeted in the sally port with a dollar bills and a SGT. Who handed me a citation for indecent exposure. Then there was the time I was training for bicycle duty and we were doing tactical dismounts, shredded my bike shorts and underwear, everything that was compressed greeted the freedom.
  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
    I once ripped the crotch of my pants wide open while umpiring a Little League game....of 9 and 10 year old girls....in the first inning. Yeah, that made for a long, awkward day.

    Met a few mothers with safety pins though, actually wait, that was awkward too because one of them helped me get the hole closed.

  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
    :noway: :noway: High School...I was pretty mean...I followed a girl off the bus who threatened me...i was wearing a mini dress and under that my cutest pair of purple lace panties...needless to say after i kicked her @$$ the whole neighborhood had seen my stuff!!! Still get teased about fighting in a dress and "dress panties"!!!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    :noway: :noway: High School...I was pretty mean...I followed a girl off the bus who threatened me...i was wearing a mini dress and under that my cutest pair of purple lace panties...needless to say after i kicked her @$$ the whole neighborhood had seen my stuff!!! Still get teased about fighting in a dress and "dress panties"!!!

    Gotta love a girl who is willing to hike-up her skirt and get down and dirty, fighting is what I mean.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    When I was at work I went to the bathroom and the back of my dress tucked into my underwear. I walked all the way back to my department and helped a male customer for about 10 minutes. After that customer left one of my co-workers (who I actually had a huge crush on at the time) came up behind me and started cracking up. After about a minute of him laughing and me saying "WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?!" he pulled my dress down. I was HORRIFIED. Of course I was wearing a thong that day too lol. Interestingly enough he and I started hanging out after that day LOL I'm still mad at that customer that let me help him for 10 minutes and didn't even say anything to me haha.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    Was at a water park and didn't realise that my tankini top was loose.So I went on the water slide (as you do), and the whole park and their mothers saw what was under the tankini!

    In my defense it happened when I was on holiday in Tenerife, so I suppose it's fairly normal :indifferent:
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    While going back to work after lunch, I was wearing a black dress and the wind between the buildings are kind of weird downtown, well, I pull a full Marilyn Monroe on the sidewalk in front of my work building :laugh: *kitten* and all ;)

    Also, once, I was going to some activity with my brother, my ex and some friends and my jeans cracked open when getting out of the car (and I was wearing a G), this was awkward :blushing:

    ETA: one time, at a nordic spa, I lost my bottom under the cold water fall, this other time, I lost my top.......need a new bikini I think :laugh:
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    A gust of wind made my dress fly up over my head while I was on the Empire State Building. Luckily, I had leggings on.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    One of my first years teaching swimming lessons. I was wearing a suit that was not so tight on the top...

    I was teaching a 4yr old. "MISS RACHEL! DON'T LET ME GO!! I CAN'T SWIM!!!".... Yeah. Full frontal for all the parents as he grabbed in desperation at my chest. He giggled and then swam off. I'm still convinced his Dad put him up to it.

    OHHH my!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Only one taker??

    Okay I'll share mine. I decided to go to class in a cute, little sundress once. It was about a mile walk to my building from where I parked. Little did I know that every time I took a step, my backpack was inching the back of my dress up. By the time I felt a nice breeze on my derriere, everyone had already seen my panties. Lots of snickering faces behind me.

    Sorry but from your pic it must have been a nive show. :wink:
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    There are a few that I could tell; was in the bathroom when my partner got into a foot chase, I pulled myself together as quickly as I could to back him but in my haste did not tighten my pants belt. As I was catching up I catching up I could feel with each step everything from the waist down start moving South. I was more concerned with helping my partner than stopping to hike everything up so I kept going. He caught the suspect and after a short ground grapple he was cuffed and secured. I hiked things back in place and figured when we got back to the station I would tidy myself up. I was greeted in the sally port with a dollar bills and a SGT. Who handed me a citation for indecent exposure. Then there was the time I was training for bicycle duty and we were doing tactical dismounts, shredded my bike shorts and underwear, everything that was compressed greeted the freedom.

    It took me a while to figure out wat kind of "partner" you were talking about and why he would be in a foot chase?? But yeah ... I got it eventually.... Blonde moment I guess :blushing:
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    When I was overweight. LOL

    My husband and I are both deputy Sheriff's. He is fit, I was fat. At that time we wore the same size uniform pants but his are a foot longer. He is 6'1" and I am 5"1". We packed our stuff and went in to work. The guys all have their locker room and there are so few women (duh! It is mostly a mans job) that I'm usually by myself in the women's locker room. But I realized I accidentally grabbed a pair of Randy's pants. They are a foot too long. I panicked and I was trying to get to briefing in time. I had to run around and find some duck tape to tape up the pants. I was really embarrassed. I have also had problems getting my duty belt on when I had gained too much weight. Nothing like sweating with all that gear on trying to get everything to work and get to the briefing room in time.

    No more issues now that I've lost 60 lbs. My pants are way smaller. No mistaking my clothes for his anymore.