What's for dinner tonight? Weekend strategies?!

I always have the hardest time on the weekends when it comes to eating. I usually exercise on Saturday and/or Sunday depending on my plans. I almost always use Friday as an off day from exercise. But my biggest problem is what I eat on the weekends. It is less structured and sometimes more busy an don the go then the weekdays. Also, I find I cook less on the weekends and eat out more, which is not only costly but unhealthy too. For example, I have no idea what to eat for dinner tonight!? I am used to ordering out and its usually not very healthy food.

So 2 questions..

1) What are your weekend strategies?

2) What are you having for dinner tonight!?


  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    oh boy ordering out doesn't sound healthy at all! i stick to a schedule of meals that i like for dinner and i stick to them even on the weekends. ill make a cheeseburger with whole wheat buns low fat 50 cal cheese low fat hamburger meat and stuff it with mushrooms and spinach and veggies for a side. what i am having for dinner tonight is brown rice 190cal topped with chicken and full of peas, carrots, and broccoli as a side. then 1tsp of soy sauce on top. so the thing that has worked for me is to plan out my favorite dinner meals and stick to them even if it is the weekend. thats where the control comes from i know on the weekends we are rushed, busy, see family & friends & are out but we all have to make the best of it and continue our healthly new living no matter what the day is.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Weekend strategies: Pre-planning is the big one. I try to plan my meals out in the morning or the night before including weekends so I know what I'm going to have in advance. It takes a lot of the stress and guesswork out of it. If I go out or do a cookout or something, I just try to practice moderation (don't overdo any particular food or drinks).

    Dinner tonight: Beef cooked with some taco seasoning, Worcestershire sauce, olives, and onions on top of some white rice.
  • Nebrie
    Nebrie Posts: 56 Member
    1. On Sunday, my husband and I go out for lunch. While at lunch we make a weekly dinner menu. Then with full bellies we can go grocery shopping.

    2. Tonight we are having Onigiri. (rice balls) I make mine with tuna salad on the inside but really anything can be used.
  • Inittolozeit
    Inittolozeit Posts: 116 Member
    What has been working for me so far is planning! Like I will a bunch of chicken in the gorge foreman, then throw it in the fridge.and put in the microwave when im ready to eat. Out if that pack I can make bbq pulled chicken sandwich, chicken roll up, chicken on salad, chicken and rice.... usually by Monday I'm ready for new meat lol but its what helps me