p90x questions

I just ordered p90x and I'm excited to get it in the mail. I know it is going to be really intense and I was hoping some of you who have done it can give me some advice about staying motivated through it. Also if you have before and after pictures I'd love to see them. Thanks.


  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Bump! Me too!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've only done week one so far. I found the hardest were the first two (shoulders & arms, plyometrics). It can be frustrating, go in knowing you may not be able to do it all or finish the exercise. Do as he says, take a break if you need to. Modify an exercise, if possible, and then once you get better do it his way. But the good news is, it helped with my running. And you feel good at the end, all sweaty and worked out. :)

    Also, I don't have the link handy but there is a pretty good calculator for calories available. I want to say p90xcalories.com? Otherwise just google p90x calorie burned and I believe it is the first link.

    BTW, the ab one is pretty intense too.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Motivation comes from yourself. You either choose to or choose not to.
  • Motivation comes from yourself. You either choose to or choose not to.

    THIS! ^^ Bottom line....
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    I'm currently on day 35 of the program. It's rough, but I'm making progress and there is solid, visible increases, especially in my shoulders and back. Keep it up, stick with it, and keep pushing play.

    The only real downside to it is that you do need a set of weights or resistance bands to do it properly.

    Surprisingly for me, the yoga routine is my favorite. Don't forget about X-Stretch either - it is a nice departure on the off days.

    And don't worry if you can't do it the way they do - some of those folks are in demigod shape - watching Tony do airborne pushups seems to defy physics. Plyometrics still kicks my butt, too. But in a good way.
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I'm just finishing the training block 2 and am at the end of the recovery week. You really just have to remember that you may not be able to do everything exactly the way they do. Some of the moves are pretty advanced. There are still things I can't complete, but you just have to modify the exercise and work at your own maximum level. Yoga is the toughest for me. I love Kenpo. I had to do a lot of pushups on my knees during the first training block but I was still working to complete muscle fatigue. Now that I've gotten stronger, I'm getting closer and closer to keeping up. Take breaks when necessary. And don't be surprised by the muscle soreness you have during the first week or two, it can be significant. It goes away though, and you don't have to worry about it being too severe as the program goes on, even if you work harder.

    As far as motivation, that comes from within. Just know that you WILL see results if you stick to it. I started P90x twice before and petered out after a month each time. Now that I'm through 8 weeks, I can't wait for the next training block. I will probably start again after completing it the first time. It just takes a day in/day out commitment. No pictures to post yet, although I have been taking them regularly every week or two. I'm waiting until the end before I take a look at them and compare. I also recommend taking body measurements too. You'll see the changes on the tape measure for sure.

    Good luck!!
  • Thanks for all the great advice...I just know the hardest days for me to do it will be Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday because I work from 830-5 then have school 7 to 10. I'll either have to do it bright and early (and I hate waking up earlier than I have to) or do it when I get home. Wish me luck :)
  • I just started it friday, on the lean rotation with the legs and back, well its sunday and im still recovering haha. well i guess that means it works though! good luck with it, im planning on doing it monday :)
  • baoneill29
    baoneill29 Posts: 138 Member
    I got mine a couple years ago, did 1 month of it and then quit. I pulled it back out in May and totally committed to it. I think the videos are great because no matter how far along in it, it will never get easy! Don't get discouraged at first, some of the things they do are tricky, but you will be able to do then after a couple weeks. And don't skip the Yoga! It was my least favorite, but I got the most results from the yoga. If you have access to a gym, I would recommend the P90X app too. I would do the weighted workouts in the gym by following along on my phone. That way I didn't have to get any weights :)

    Don't be aftraid to wake up early to get your workouts over, I have to do mine at 5:30am...
  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    I have done one round of P90X, 1 round of Insanity and I'm currently working on a P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire hybrid. I do a HIIT routine from TF on my P90X days, and use Insanity for my cardio days. I started in January.

    I didn't get fantastic results from P90X alone, but I wasn't all in with the meal plan. I really took diet seriously when I started Insanity, and have dropped a total of 26 lbs. (I don't weigh in on MFP). I didn't have a lot of weight to lose. I was a large 8 US- small 10 and I wanted to be a 6. Mission accomplished.

    I've been active all my life, and I really think P90X is a workout for life. Insanity is fun, but I don't think that it's sustainable for most over the long term. Of course, there are always exceptions. I'm not sure how I feel about TF yet.

    I've really focused on diet over the last 3 months or so. I always eat my exercise calories, and net 1500 every day. I occasionally have pizza and take out, as long as it's within my calorie goal for the day. I've had tremendous results with that mind set. It's fun, it's sustainable, and it works. You'll find your groove, in spite of what people may say on these message boards.

    I'm not a frequent poster, but this one strikes near and dear. Best of luck, and keep pushing play!