diagnosed pre diabetic



  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    No that's not how it works, if you don't eat enough your blood glucose levels drop (happens in everyone diabetes or not), however if your body is unable to control its sugar levels fasting can make them drop too low and cause hypoglycaemia which can lead to fainting or even coma. Never fast unless its medically reccomended.

    This doesn't make sense to me. Why would a Type II diabetic go too low when fasting?
    Because diabetes isn't just about having too much sugar all the time. It's about the body not being able to produce enough insulin and is unable to control the amount of sugar in the blood. Meaning it is unable to maintain a normal level and won't be able to stop it dropping too low aswell as going too high.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic this spring. My advice is find a good endochronologist (ask friends, co-workers, drs. etc. for a recommendation because you want to find a good one). An endo will give you detailed info on what you should be doing/not doing so your pre-diabetes does not advance (or does not advance too quickly) Mine gave me diet info, referred me to MyFitnessPal and started me on Metformin. Also, have your thyroid checked. You will learn a lot about how the thyroid & pancreas work.

    Find good doctors who listen to you. Drs. who rush patients, don't listen, don't ask questions are useless. There are a lot of good, caring drs. you just have to find them. One question I always ask my drs. when needing a referrel is "who would you send your wife/husband to or who do you use.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    I am skipping all replies because I work in an office and I wanted to know, did you tell the nurse you were not fasting?

    I'm the triage/phone nurse at my office. If get lab results to call with a 124 FASTING glucose from someone without a diabetic diagnosis, the first thing would be to tell the patient the results and that we are going to add a HGBA1C. In layman's terms, that is a test that will show us what your average blood sugar has been running over 3 months. IF, and only IF, that is elevated would we start discussing diabetes.

    Sorry your doctor's office sounds lacking.