Hi there

I just wanted to tell you guys about a new fitness trend we have had the pleasure of trying up here in Cumbria called Moky !! It originates off the Zumba fitness idea where you dance and exercise to music and can burn up to 1000 calories per a session!! Moky is done to more modern music and is such fun :-) I have been doing it for around year now and love it, I actually look forward to going to class!! And let's be honest most people find exercise a chore, not this exercise I promise!!

Anyway they are starting to move down country now and are in the process of starting classes in Manchester!!

For further information you can check out their website or their face book pages moky or moky - Manchester.

I don't work for them or anything I am just someone who when I enjoy something I like to share it with others, so I am sharing this with you guys.

Happy exercising
