I Know it Can Be a Serious Problem, But

When you post a status saying, "Just purgggeedd. Lol..." I am not going to have any sympathy for you! There is NO reason to put LOL in there. When I read things like this, it makes me sick that there are actually people with eating disorders that need help and attention cravers like this are taking it away.

Maybe I was a little harsh when commenting on this status, but this is a serious and potentially fatal issue and people shouldn't make light of it and use it for attention.
Why would MFP even allow things like this!?

*Disclaimer: I'm deleting anyone on my friends list who is living an unhealthy lifestyle.


  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I haven't seen anything like that yet, but I totally understand where you're coming from.

    This site is geared towards getting healthy. Why be supportive of someone who's doing the opposite? Especially when the "lol" implies it's no big deal etc.

    Why anyone does that is beyond me. Meh. Not my place to deal with other peoples issues so I just let them be and ignore it.
  • OnTheWayToPerfection
    It's just really sad to see these girls doing such horrible things to their bodies.
    It's a death sentence, really, and those doing it for attention really need to open their eyes.
  • seashman
    I don't know about other people's individual situations, but I know I can say things like that in a sort of self-deprecating way. Like, "Okay I just purged and I'm a total screw-up lol this is beyond ridiculous [in the worst possible way]." That's just my coping mechanism. Just saying, be careful before you jump to any conclusions because there's usually way more below the surface that you might not be able to detect.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    MFP can't police all our statuses. They have their hands full just trying to keep craziness off the forums. Personally, I have never had a MFP friend say anything like this, but I only like to surround myself with people who are trying their best to get healthy and fit. I couldn't deal with seeing things like that on my news feed, and it's your discretion to delete people who are promoting eating disorders or, frankly, doing anything else that bothers/annoys you. I've learned that you just can't save everyone. These girls will get help and change when they are ready, and not one moment before. It IS very sad though.
  • OnTheWayToPerfection
    Society has so much to do with this and it's slowly killing young people who strive to be "perfect".
    I just wish these girls could see what they are doing to their bodies. Yeah, they may reach their goals of thigh-gaps and every rib exposed and they may be happy with their bodies at that moment, but they don't see that the long term effects of it just aren't worth it!

    Girls, healthy is so much prettier than skinny!