Biggest Loser contest - NOT BEING FAIR!

pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So we started a biggest loser competition at work on 11/9 and as a group we all agreed it would run from 11/9/09 to 1/11/10. As of yesterday's weigh in, I just took the lead. It appears that the person who has been in the lead the entire time has gained some weight during the holidays as well as a lot of other people in the competition.

I feel like I have been busting my butt making healthier choices in food and definitely getting my work outs in during the past few weeks. Here is the dilema.

Now everyone wants to extend the contest out 2 more weeks past the original final date everyone agreed on. Is that fair?? I feel like they want to do this because they messed up during the holidays, gained some weight and now they need more time to lose weight to catch up. Everyone knew what they were in for when they signed up. They knew holidays were coming up during the length of the competition. If this were you and you just gained an edge on everyone and now they want to extend the contest out would you

a.) say something and be the black sheep (oh well) or
b.) be a team player and just go with the flow and continue to work hard


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    B and lose even MORE weight!! Either way you are ahead of the game and your body didnt suffer the ill effects of all the crap mine did! :laugh:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Personally I would say something, you worked hard when it counts plus two weeks after the holiday should be enough to undo damage if it's going to be undone at all
  • I'm having a similar dillema in a contest I'm in at work between some other women. People have dropped out, dropped back in, have excuses, etc. It's wack. The rules should be set and no changes.
  • But I say --- let them change the rules ONCE. And so what - they get an extra two weeks. And if you still win, you will know that you have really made an acomplishment.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    If it were me, I would call shenanigans! But being that you have to see these people everyday perhaps you could come up with a compromise. Would they agree on 1/2 of the extention? You have to remember, this is extra time for you too. Essentially you are ahead of the game (and there is still NYE comming up so you might even be further ahead next week than you are right now!

    Whatever you decide (or is decided for you) just remember, you are loosing weight. You are going to keep loosing weight. That is a payoff in itself. Good Luck!!!!!!
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    This is why you put things in writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Seems fair enough to me since you all get the extra 2 weeks. :wink:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Seems fair enough to me since you all get the extra 2 weeks. :wink:

    I'm in agreement. I see what you're saying and yes, it's frustrating- but at the end of the day, you get an extra two week's encouragement to whittle some more pounds. Even if you don't win the competition in the end, I would still count that as a win in itself!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I would want to say something but doubt I would. First you have to work with these people. Is making a stink about it worth any strained relationships? Also, what do you win? If its substantial, maybe it shouldn't change - then you go back to the frist part.

    If saying something would cause issues in the office, or the prize isn't anything but a title then say something. If not, don't. Like others have said, everyone gets the 2 weeks. If you are out in front, you can work hard to stay there - and you'll still be gaining from losing weight and getting healthier anyway.

    Good luck!
  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    I would say something. Rules are rules! Suck it up. What if that timeframe comes around, and they still aren't winning, add another 2 weeks? Geesh.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    I would say something too. As the last poster said: Rules are rules! That's why they were established BEFORE the contest started. If they want to continue then tell them to start another contest immediately after the first one. By adding the extra 2 weeks its letting them know "it's okay, you messed up, we'll change everything for those of you who couldn't stick to your willpower". No, that's not right. While others worked hard and controlled themselves during holidays, they just let it go and now they want validation for it?!?! Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile. Like you said, they knew what they signed up for.

    Let us know how it all turns out. Congrats on sticking to your guns and making it through the holidays! Hope you win!
  • I would definitely mention my concerns with the change, but then keep a positive attitude and mindset if you end up having to go with the extension. It would be two more weeks of opportunity for you to lose weight, and possibly even put a bigger difference between your numbers and those of the runner-up.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    I would say "as Bush did :laugh: "Bring"em on!" Two extra weeks just gets me that much closer to my goal! " Really, sounds like YOU are the committed one and they are not! So , don't worry you'll win! But I suggest the alternative: First one to lose however many pounds you have to reach YOUR goal is the winner! If they have more than you to lose, they shouldn't complain. If they have less, then they'll have to reset their goal to match yours or drop out of the competition. Either way, you will win, I'm sure! I can tell just by the fact that they want to change the rules of the game after its underway. But insist on weekly weigh-ins witnessed by all players to make sure nobody is claiming more than they actually have lost!

    Go get 'em, girl! You got what it takes to smoke 'em!
  • I would say something too. As the last poster said: Rules are rules! That's why they were established BEFORE the contest started. If they want to continue then tell them to start another contest immediately after the first one. By adding the extra 2 weeks its letting them know "it's okay, you messed up, we'll change everything for those of you who couldn't stick to your willpower". No, that's not right. While others worked hard and controlled themselves during holidays, they just let it go and now they want validation for it?!?! Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile. Like you said, they knew what they signed up for.

    Let us know how it all turns out. Congrats on sticking to your guns and making it through the holidays! Hope you win!

    Sounds like the old story about the grasshopper and the ants, but in America today everybody wants to take away what the ant worked for and give it to the poor lazy grasshopper since he didn't prepare for the winter and has nothing... but maybe I should put away my soapbox before I get carried away... :grumble:
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Definitely not fair but I also agree these are people who you have to deal with daily... my advice? State your case simply as fact, without any emo or drama and then be the bigger person (in your heart) and give them the 2 weeks and let them sink themselves over New Years, since they didn't before you should still come out on top. One note of concern with "biggest loser" type contests is it doesn't take body composition into account. Last time I weighed 195 I was a size 18, I again weigh 195 but due to heavy weight training in physical therapy and rehab I wear a size 12, muscle weighs more than fat and takes up less room too.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    Sounds like the old story about the grasshopper and the ants, but in America today everybody wants to take away what the ant worked for and give it to the poor lazy grasshopper since he didn't prepare for the winter and has nothing... but maybe I should put away my soapbox before I get carried away... :grumble:

    Preach it sister, I agree with every word:flowerforyou:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Does it REALLY matter? Not like you're winning anything here anyway-besides self worth and esteem, and knowing that you did wonders for yourself. The goal is to help everyone lose weight isn't it? Better to get everybody as low as possible and healthier. Just a thought. Is there another starting when the new season starts?:flowerforyou:
  • If there is money involved, I would say something. I had a situation like this at work last year. We all paid $50 into the pot and in the end someone was going to walk away with $800. So when peolple started changing rules and sabatoging each other, I took my money and said "No thank you." In the end the girl who won only lost 4 pounds. It was pretty sad. And she didn't even get all $800 because people pulled out just before the end when they knew they would lose. After I saw that way people acted, I would never get involved in something like that again.

    I guess it could work to your advantage if you get the extra 2 weeks also. I just wonder if they are getting lax about the rules now, how will they manage the summer, etc.? I mean, its not even halfway into the competition and people are already geting whinny? It might turn out to be a cake walk for you. But I'd only worry if there is money involved.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Wow! That is a tough one! When I worked at a bank, they tried the same thing. But it seemed incredible unfair from the start and I knew that a large portion of the people I worked with tended to be fickle. Goodness gracious...I would want to say something. I would think you would need to say something infront of everyone to make sure that people don't twist your words behind your back if you just mention it to one or two people. Then again, you do have a head start on the extra two weeks. It just seems incredibly unfair to me that just because other people slipped that the people who were committed have to suffer! Let us know what you decide!
  • rheign
    rheign Posts: 56
    It depends on what's at stake. Is there a prize for the Biggest Loser or simply a contest designed to motivate people to lose weight? If there is no "prize" other than the obvious benefits from weight loss, let it go. If there is a significant "prize" then let your feelings be known. You worked hard and earned it! Good luck and keep us posted! =]
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