Becoming vegetarian.... little help?



  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    my issue is all the whet they put in everything! I am severely gluten intolerant. I am down to about 4 oz of meat a day as I cannot seem to get anywhere near 1000 cals a day with just veggies and fruits. I have eliminated dairy from my diet as cheese is a trigger food. I refuse to eat processed foods because I want the REAL stuff. I have gone mostly vegan before but then I ate wheat did not make me feel well. In all fairness, I did not know it was gluten at the time.

    You can do it pretty easily actually. Just make sure you get food to eat not overly processed junk. If you eat the right foods you should only need B12 and Omega 3 supplements according to my research.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You won't need any supplements aside from maybe b12. But you can get b12 from nut milks and other fortified sources. I follow a vegan diet and I take a daily multivitamin. I always have anyway. But I agree with the others, watch out for loads of cheese in vegetarian dishes if you go anywhere and are looking to lose weight. You can even suggest they go light on the cheese on dishes. Cheese is basically fat.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member

    I don't take any supplements.
    I track my protein, iron, and calcium on here so I can make sure I get enough of everything.
  • shinjite
    Being a vegetarian or vegan does not automatically mean you need supplements. If you are concerned get a blood panel done and it will tell you what you are lacking. I am a vegan and the only thing I lack is iron and that is totally unrelated to veganism. The only supplement I take is Vitamineral Green and Vitamineral earth and that is because some days I do not feel like eating but want to make sure I get my nutrients.
    If protein is a concern try one of the brown rice or pea protein powders. Some of them taste great in smoothies. Try to focus on eating fresh fruits and veggies and stay away from processed foods even the ones that say they are meant for vegetarians.
    Other than that you should be just fine.