parents: do you supervise your child



  • Cassie8877
    I am glad we all agree! At the pool last week a woman was letting her 3 yr old daughter play in the pool alone with water wings while she tanned with eyes closed! Really??!? I know there are life guards but jeeze.

    F- that! my 3 year old doesnt go near water unless i tell her she can.. My kids may have fits here and there but i know how to control my kids.. my kids tell me yes ma am and no sir to there father or any other male or female ... its all about respect of someone who is older then them and in charge.. my daughter may be 3 but she knows damn right how to act in public! and my kids do not get out of my site... i may be over protective but i keep my children under control and they are great kids :) i love them so very much!
  • Nina1007
    My son is 8. I just started letting him play in the yard by himself or with his friends but I am constantly looking out the window every 5 minutes to see what he's doing. I live in a small town and all the other parents with kids my sons age don't seem to have a problem with leaving them unattended. But I am a nervous nelly :).

    But at age 2 I wouldn't let my kid outta my sight.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I am super overprotective, I know its not the best way to be but Im working on it. I watch all of my kids wherever we are and they are 13,12,11,8 and 7 month old twins :)
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Im too fat to be trying to chase someone from a far distance if they snatch my little girl (LMAO) therefore I stay close enough to my baby girl that I can get her easily .... My daughter is 4 .... I may stand at the bottom of the steps when she climbs but Im at the bottom of the slide when she comes down ....
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Like many of the posters here, I really think it depends on the age and temperment of the child. Two or three year olds could easily hurt themselves on playground equipment or wander off. When they were that age, I would play with them on the playground just like you describe. Now, they are 5 and 7, and we are working on them being more independent. So, i encourage them to play with other kids and not me at the playground (and other places) but I still keep an eye on them. I would never allow them to mistreat equipment or karate chop each other! But, I have relatively calm children who like to follow rules, so I feel that I can trust them to be more independent. That's just luck of the draw, I feel. If I had a child who had a difficult time controlling his feelings, I'd be closer in trying make sure he didn't hurt anyone.
    Do what you feel is right for your kid!
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Coming into this I was thinking it was going to be a mom not able to let their 10 year old play at the park or whatever.

    But at 2, you should probably watch pretty closely.

    Although, as a child gets older, I think (and I am pretty opinionated) that kids should have some more freedom.