not hungry after working out

there seems to be a ton of information out there regarding the importance of recovery meals/protein shakes and it all makes sense in theory, but after i workout (it's usually insanity or run between 5 and 7 miles - i do one or the other every day) i am often not hungry at all. any advice or thoughts about this? thanks!


  • I don't get hungry either. I have heard you should wait an hour or so to consume solid food, but I have also heard the importance of recovery drinks (electrolytes) after exercise. Sports drinks are mostly sugar though so stay away from those! Drink lots of water afterwards and you will not feel so "odd" it happens to me too. Maybe start with a small amount of a recovery drink so you don't feel bloated or weird.

    Hope that helps!!!
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    Me either! And I am more hungry on days I don't exercise. I try and have something small like a nut bar about twenty mins after and it kick starts the hunger a lil more