Help if you have time..

Could anyone please take the time to look at my diary and help me? Yes, I have only been doing this for 14 days so, no, my food isn't always the greatest. However, I can see where I used to eat similar ways:

either skip breakfast or eat a piece of fruit
lean cuisine for lunch
meal for dinner

So, I NEVER reach my calories for the day. I need some help/suggestions on what I can do to be better. Also, what are your opinions on protein shakes? I'm new to all this and just wondering how I can maximize my weight loss so that soon I can post 100lb pics :)

Thanks in advance.


  • velsbree
    8 lbs in two weeks is a big weight loss! You may want to add more fiber and less sodium. One day at a time it is a learning curve
  • Khymera
    Maybe you could try planning your day in advance?
  • tnmyers23
    tnmyers23 Posts: 108 Member
    Took a look at your food diary it doesn't look bad, maybe you are the type that needs less carbs. I know I try to keep my carbs at around 100 a day and it is working for me. I had a MD I used to work with tell me that. Or you might have to incorperate some snacks and have smaller portions 6 times a day instead of 3 meals a day. There are many things to try and what works for one doesn't always work for another.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Try not to skip breakfast.

    Always pair a protein source with carbohydrates.

    If you workout early in the day, then you should be eating more in the early part of the day and eating less in the latter part of the day.

    Use the plate method for lunch and dinner: 1/2 your plate should have non-starchy vegetables and/or fruit, 1/4 of your plate should be meat or meat alternative, 1/4 of your plate should be starch ( bread, rice or other grains, potatoes or sweet potatoes, corn, beans, etc.). The veggies fill you up and don't have a lot of calories, and again you are matching protein with carbohydrate.

    Good luck.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Protein shakes are fine. You can consume 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of weight that you weigh and be just fine (unless you have some illness or disorder that you didn't mention)

    To eat higher calories but not really more food, try finding foods with high fat. These are usually best from plant based foods, such as avocados, nuts, or nut butters.

    Peanut butter on toast or bagel is delicious and high calorie. Add avocado to almost anything you eat for a smooth tasty treat.

    Keep tweaking your food to find a balance that you enjoy and that helps you achieve your goals. You are doing right to ask for help :)
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I think your doing good! I would suggest switching to fruits, veggies, and less fast food. You'll lose for a while, but it will slow down as you get closer to your goal. It's easier to cut things out slowly. Like I drink silk milk now instead of 2%. It has like 60 cals for serving and is great. That leaves me more cals for cereal and less fat.

    Also you can add friends. You can get good ideas from open diaries. :)