Any Reformed Weight Watchers people?

I tried and tried with Points Plus, but for some reason it just never did god for me. It's too complicated for me to try to go back to the
old Points system, where I did lose weight. So, here I am doing it on my own :)


  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    I came from WW! I got tired of figuring out the points to EVERYTHING and their database being small. I did lose weight but I am definitely losing more here, countin calories. I think I like this better :). Good luck to you!
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    Yeah, I walked away from WW after the new PP system. I gave it a month and felt like I was in some new math class. Too complicated, especially if you didn't know all of the info that it wanted on something (ie: you're at a restaurant that only publishes calories and now you can't eyeball the 50 cal=1 point). I wish they'd just bring the old system back. I understand the science behind the new system, but it's not user-friendly at all. Right now, I'm doing Jenny Craig because I need something that's mindless with my life as it is right now. Feel free to add me! :)
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    LOL! I just realized that we are already friends! My bad! I need to go to bed and get off the computer, clearly, my brain is not functioning! :yawn:
  • Yes! I'm a former WW Lifetimer. About ten years ago, I lost 80 pounds on WW and kept it off for a few years, then 60 crept back up. I tried for two years to get back into WW, but it didn't work form! I think MFP is it though. I only started three weeks ago, but it seems to work. Fingers crossed!
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    I was on WW from the beginning of June til the end of July. I lost 6lbs. I started doing MFP and WW toward the end of July and since I added MFP, I've lost 16lbs. Within a week of adding MFP I knew I had to ditch WW. Personally I need to track my carb and calorie intake to have effective weight loss. A moderate carb, moderate calorie lifestyle works best for me. On WW it was very easy for me to "cheat" with high carb fruits like bananas. I've had people on here tell me that I couldn't gain weight from too many bananas. Perhaps not, but they can certainly keep me from losing! "Free" fruit does not encourage moderation for me. Free veggies, I am fine with -- sometimes I see the calories on my veg and wondered why I bothered to log for 8 whole calories. ;)
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member

    WW refugee here!!

    I've gotten better results just by tracking online here, and it's FREE.

    I've only been here a month, and I'm down almost 13 pounds.

    Better than any of the three times I was in WW in the first month.

    This site rocks!!! :wink:
  • Yo!

    I've gotten better results just by tracking online here, and it's FREE.

    This site rocks!!! :wink:

    This. Unequivocally. Why oh WHY would WW charge So freaking much, when it's so much easier in this world of technology? Free is less stressful. Free is fantastic. And the fact that we have freedom to add to the much better than WW!
  • jennystime
    jennystime Posts: 7 Member
    I to am a ww reject. 3 times over..... I really like my fitness pal. 8 pounds gone in a month. I love how easy this site is to work..
    I have never been able to get over the 20lb mark at weight watchers. I am on to my new and happier life....
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I would lose weight on WW, but never could keep it off. I'm more of a DIYer. The group atmosphere made me angry more than supported me. Exercising, eating more healthy and keeping a lid on my total calories has been really helping me.
  • LadieTink
    LadieTink Posts: 91 Member
    For some reason, I tried WW and it didnt work for me either. Omg!!! MFP is working and its free, who would of thought... wow this is the best.. MFP has changed my life..
  • cat_nz
    cat_nz Posts: 14 Member
    The first time I did WW I had huge success (old points) but couldn't sustain the 'lifestyle' - I just wasn't eating enough. Gained all the weight back, plus some. Tried it again last year with the new pro points system and hated it. Made no progress at all.

    I first joined MFP before trying WW and at the time it wasn't as developed as it is today. I love this site now - it provides all the functions of WW online that I loved, and for free!

    WW seems to be all about what you eat...the emphasis on exercise wasn't strong enough. I love the support, ideas and advice I get about exercise on here. I exercise more than I did on WW and feel much better for it!
  • NuttyCake
    NuttyCake Posts: 34 Member
    I lost weight on WW years ago when they first started using the points system. But I couldn't on the new PP program. Those who worked there weren't much help either :( I would weigh in one week and gain half a pound and be told, "Oh you're just retaining water, it'll show up next week." I'd weigh in the following week and lose half a pound essentially being at the same weight. When I asked questions I was told, "You're doing fine, you're actually losing weight at the right pace." Wha?? How is losing nothing in two weeks helpful? One lady even told me I was probably "doing it wrong" and needed to take a "refresher course." Grrr :mad: I think now it was because of the "free" fruits that really did it. I wasn't aware of the sugars and the carbs.
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    This post is great to see...Ive been doing MFP since january...i only lost 4 kilos but my shape and measurments changed alot....due to some things happening etc i started to overeat again so thought Id join weight watchers this week hoping because i have to go out of the house to be weighed i will lose more..but I am actually hungry and yes Im not a fan of this new point system so can see im gonna come back here..actually today Im wondering if i have really been too hasty....anyone can add me...:smile:
  • mag104
    mag104 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm a ww reject too. Tried mfp a while ago and thought I would give this another go and it's soooo much better now than it was, also much easier than ww to get my head round. But I did manage to save some ww recipies that I have changed from pp to calories :happy:
  • spersephone
    spersephone Posts: 147 Member
    I did it back in about 2001 here in Australia. It worked for me, but I put all the weight back on because I stopped recording/tracking. I got back into it by just using the information I already had learned. It worked for me, but then I started using in the same way. That worked really well for me. I started using MFP just to try it out but went back to CK for a long time. Recently I noticed I'd put about 10 kilos on in the last year and I really had to do something about it. So I started using MFP to track instead because it's offline mode and apps are more convenient than a website.

    I think Weight Watchers Points worked well for me, but I bought a little calculator so I could calculate my points easily. One day I realised that since I'm working that out using calories, why not just track calories instead! It just became so much easier when I stopped trying to do calculations to work points out. Now they've changed the system I never intend on going back as I just find straight out recording calories and nutrients far easier.
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    i had the same problem! loved the old system, was full all the time didnt have to exercise atall and the weight fell off. i even memorised all the points (all the ones i used daily)

    Then the hideous new points system came in....... it was just so hard changing, the values of jacket potatoes shot up and i got so confused.

    So far since the new points system i have gone back and joined a class 3 times and i still couldnt do it. still got all the books sat on my desk....gathering dust.

    My fitness pal is fab, its all the same principles (stay within daily caloire limit) and exercise to cominsate for going over calories . I find this less restrictve as i dont have to buy products to make it easier i can literally eat whatever i want.

    would love to share old ww tips with eachother on here tho!!! lets get some group going or summit xxxx
  • ep922nj
    ep922nj Posts: 11 Member
    I am so glad to hear this because for the past 5 months, every time I left a WW meeting, I kept thinking that it's me -- I'm doing something wrong. I, too, lost on the old system, gained it all back and doubled it. I did new PP for five months and I just didn't lose. Nice to know it wasn't just me.
  • Sandiraa
    Sandiraa Posts: 15 Member
    Glad I'm not the only ex weight watcher! It worked for a while for me, but I hit a plateau for so long that I decided to give MFP a go again! Please feel free to add me :)
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    I did WW from 2008-2009 I lost about 20lbs was at my lowest weight and believed I looked my best. When I got promoted to my new position I lost the ability to track everything and was constantly eating out because it was easier with my hours. Now 4 years later I'm at my heaviest weight. I joined WW over the summer but the new points plus was confusing and I just couldn't stay on it, and now I'm still maintaining my heaviest weight. The meetings were usually full of older women (no offense) so to try to compare to someone my age was near impossible because these women weren't in the same mind set of going to the gym and this and that. I haven't found that motivation that I had a few years back, where I could easily say no, maybe because I didn't have as much stress back then.

    Right now, I would need to lose almost 45lbs in order to get back to my lowest weight. I don't know if I can get that low but I'd like to lose at least 30/35lbs. I'm hoping this site works. Just tracking the last few days and seeing how many calories I'm consuming in one meal...WOW.

    Anyone who has mastered motivation and the ability to just say no... please feel free to add me and teach me your ways.