looking too thin



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Are they just saying you look too thin or is it more than that? If I called someone "sickly" I would mean that their skin looked sallow, that they had shadows under their eyes, that in general they just didn't have that healthy glow. If that's the case it might be worth looking at your diet and checking you have enough protein and vitamins and so on.
    I have a thin build anyway and carry my extra weight in my stomach. When I started at 185 my waist was 29" and now is 26", try finding men's jeans in that size. So the weight comes off places that I don't need, like my arms and legs. I'm only eating fruits and veges and lean protein and haven't any ( junk) for 2 months. I think that most people haven't seen me at this weight.

    Wow, a 26 inch waist on a guy is pretty small. You must have an unusual build that your waist was only 29 even at 185.
    I echo those saying to do more weight training.

    Also, why have several women on here automatically assumed this is a post by a female, lol ?
  • kassiesmall
    I would not worry about the number. if people are telling you you look un healthy, then you need to stop!
  • Indieskys1979
    Ive lost 13kg and am now a healthy 65 kg at 170cm.

    My co-workers are always telling me I look too skinny. Its not true, they are just concerned that I am overdoing it and its easier to say than, You are looking fat!

    But are you not eating carbs at all ? That might be the problem? Im sure its not good to completely cut carbs?

    Doesnt it mean ur body is only burning fat? and not glucose for energy?
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    You know what is best for you and if you are doing good nutrition and exercise with some weight training as well just ignore what people say. I don't know your stats, like height and all that but you can figure things out. Have you checked out this link, it's really helped me a lot to know I am eating right for the workouts I'm doing:


    This one is good as well and way easy for me to understand:
    I'm doing the weights I guess just not enough, probably need to do less cardio and more strength training
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    It's likely not you, but them. It may be true that some people say that because they are jealous or "haters", but more likely it's because they are used to seeing the larger you every day and their minds make them think you look too skinny now. Especially when it's very noticable in the face. They just need to get used to it.

    I also lost 30 lbs and got the same comments from some friends and family at first. They would tell me not to lose anymore weight, and some actually treated me like I was fragile. Of course many of those people think a healthy man is 265 lbs with a beer gut and chronic mysterious back problems (which must be from playing high school football 20 years ago)
    Now that it's been over a year, I don't really get those comments anymore and some of them even treat me more like a role model for their own fitness or weight loss.

    I trust that you've done some research and have a good feel for what a healthy weight and build is for you. Just give those other people time to get used to the new you.
  • btkkterry
    Are they just saying you look too thin or is it more than that? If I called someone "sickly" I would mean that their skin looked sallow, that they had shadows under their eyes, that in general they just didn't have that healthy glow. If that's the case it might be worth looking at your diet and checking you have enough protein and vitamins and so on.
    I have a thin build anyway and carry my extra weight in my stomach. When I started at 185 my waist was 29" and now is 26", try finding men's jeans in that size. So the weight comes off places that I don't need, like my arms and legs. I'm only eating fruits and veges and lean protein and haven't any ( junk) for 2 months. I think that most people haven't seen me at this weight.

    Wow, a 26 inch waist on a guy is pretty small. You must have an unusual build that your waist was only 29 even at 185.
    I echo those saying to do more weight training.

    Also, why have several women on here automatically assumed this is a post by a female, lol ?
    I know, I have a very unusual build, haven't seen anyone else similar to me
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    i get it all too much, but ya know, i'd rather be "too thin" in someone's eyes than be a perfect weight. Many people told me to stop at 160-165 pounds, but i got to 150 and put on 5 lbs anyway, so it was much safer to lose more weight and eventually put some back on. not bad
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Since losing 30 lbs I have been told by numerous people (mainly coworkers) that I look sickly and too thin. I'm 5 lbs away from my goal weight but the comments make me want to stop, sick is not the look I'm going for. Anyone else have similar issues after losing the weight

    I got that at first but it's been a year now and they are all used to it now. Plus I have enough muscle now that they realize I'm not just thin (although I'm still under 12% BF). It take time for people to get used to the new you. It also takes time for YOU to get used to the new you and not feel like an imposter in your own body (especially when you were overweight as long as I was).

    Also, forget about what others think and DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Are you happy with the way your are? If so stick to it as that matters more than what they think. When you are thin, lean, and fit you are swimming against the stream in a society where too much food, lack of exercise, and obesity is the norm. You gotta take charge and decide what you want and FIGHT TO KEEP IT. It is what you want that matters.
  • shoby68
    It also may be that they have not adjusted to your new "look". I lost 50 lbs and people said I was too skinny (5'10" 180 lbs) which I'm not, but after 6 months of staying the same I didn't get the comments.
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    If your body weight is good for your height I would check body fat %. If you are at a good weight with good BF% your good. If your at good weight with a higher BF% you need to work out.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    Maybe you need a new look. :) I was told I looked too skinny too. My thin face didn't go with the hair and glasses.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    You look thin, but I wouldn't say 'sickly' if your profile picture is recent. People who know you, knew you as chubby. The drastic change is probably just shocking.

    I agree with a lot of the posters that say start lifting heavy. I think that will really give you the look you desire, and you certainly won't look sickly thin to anyone.
  • hummus40
    yes...happens to me...but to friends that know me...new people i meet think i look great so i have to remember that my friends have seen a drastic change and these others never saw me when i weighted more...heck, i even lost a friend over it. She refused to train for this upcoming marathon with me anymore b/c she said i had "taken it to far"...she was my bf for over 8years...

    anyway....you have to do what makes YOU happy...this is your life and if you are pulling it off and accomplishing what you think it is that you want/need then it doesnt matter wth ppl say. I mean, are you so thin that you dont have energy?? if so, then thats something different...if you are healthy and making good choices and slimming down then i say GO FOR IT...

    my opinion
  • btkkterry
    You look thin, but I wouldn't say 'sickly' if your profile picture is recent. People who know you, knew you as chubby. The drastic change is probably just shocking.

    I agree with a lot of the posters that say start lifting heavy. I think that will really give you the look you desire, and you certainly won't look sickly thin to anyone.
    I need to get a recent pic, that was at the beginning at 185
  • amykingsley1
    amykingsley1 Posts: 31 Member
    I get this a lot at work... I wear scrubs and I lose weight in my face and upper body first, where it is most noticeab;e in scrubs. People can be absolutely cruel, I am close to my ideal body weight, but still have a little fat to grab on the stomach.... so slim but not "too skinny" and I work out and have a good amount of muscle tone as well... I ahve been told I look sick and "anorexic." I also have people coming up to me and asking how much more weight I've lost when I actually put 3-5 lbs back on over the summer due to too much vacationing and drinking... it gets very annoying. I guess I just think that since I would never walk up to someone and say "what's wrong with you? Are you sick? I've been noticing you're getting fatter..." I expect the same courtesy in return. To those of you who "can't wait" for someone to tell you you're too thin, just wait until someone insults you for something you worked very hard for. It's not a nice feeling.

    OP- I think you should go based on how you feel and maybe ask your loved ones for an honest opinion and not worry what people at work say.
  • btkkterry
    It also may be that they have not adjusted to your new "look". I lost 50 lbs and people said I was too skinny (5'10" 180 lbs) which I'm not, but after 6 months of staying the same I didn't get the comments.
    That's a pretty drastic change in 2 months
  • btkkterry
    Since losing 30 lbs I have been told by numerous people (mainly coworkers) that I look sickly and too thin. I'm 5 lbs away from my goal weight but the comments make me want to stop, sick is not the look I'm going for. Anyone else have similar issues after losing the weight

    I got that at first but it's been a year now and they are all used to it now. Plus I have enough muscle now that they realize I'm not just thin (although I'm still under 12% BF). It take time for people to get used to the new you. It also takes time for YOU to get used to the new you and not feel like an imposter in your own body (especially when you were overweight as long as I was).

    Also, forget about what others think and DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Are you happy with the way your are? If so stick to it as that matters more than what they think. When you are thin, lean, and fit you are swimming against the stream in a society where too much food, lack of exercise, and obesity is the norm. You gotta take charge and decide what you want and FIGHT TO KEEP IT. It is what you want that matters.
    great point, thanks
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Remember, strong beats skinny every time!


    As an added bonus, with more muscle tissue, you base metabolic rate increases so you get to eat more calories to maintain :)

    When I was losing weight first time round, I was down at 1200 calories to lose a couple of pounds a week and my maintenance level was somewhere around 1900 to 2000. Now I have about 20lb + extra muscle, my maintenance is up at about 2800, so I can lose weight (carefully, doing everything I can to ensure mostly fat loss) by eating 2200 cals a day. Bonus!

    I read something a while back that put the calculation as 1lb of muscle burns 50 calories a day at rest. So gain 10lb of muscle and you can have an extra 500 calories for free. Can't be bad eh...
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I get told I look too thin, but I know I don't, so I mostly ignore it.
  • btkkterry
    Look at "starting strength" "stronglifts 5x5" and "the new rules of lifting" All are very good programs.
    Thanks, checked it out and looks like a great program