Craving Food

Hello, I've been doing this for a couple days again, ^_^ anyways, for some reason, at this very moment I am just craving food! What should I do? I have about 700 calories left, but I still need to eat dinner tonight and maybe a healthy snack(s) later, My question is, do you think water will help my craving?
I know it sounds weird, but I heard some people say that before, that if their hungry (or think they are) they'll have a glass of water and be full. I only wonder this because I just had an apple before I took the dog for a walk (20 minutes ago) and as soon as I got home, I'm craving food.
Anothering thing, I'm having noodles and cottage cheese for dinner, does anyone know how many calories that is? (roughly about 1/2 noodles with some cottage cheese)


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Yup drinking a glass of water can help, what have you eaten today? I ask because maybe the foods you are eating aren't dense enough so they don't keep you full, are you eating enough protein?

    ~Leash :heart:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Definitely try drinking several glasses of water, that should help.
    As far as finding out what your totals are for the things that you plan to eat, just enter them in the search area for your dinner, and you should get lots of items pop up that you can choose from. I think it helps a lot to also look at your own packages to see if YOUR numbers are about the same. If not, then you can enter all the data from your packages, and then you'll definitely be exact with your numbers. :wink: :smile:
  • CaptainJim157
    Thanks! I didn't feel like having the cottage cheese and noodles for dinner ('cause I have a cold) lol, so instead I had a nice healthy salad with some dressing, the salad was 15 calories for 1 1/2 cups, but the dressing was 60 calories for 1 tbsp,.. it was so good though, since I have a cold, I've been having lots a soup, apparently too much 'cause I'm over my sodium by 712 :huh:
    ah well, it happens, if I'm over my sodium the last couple days, will that stop me from losing weight? or is it mostly just calories? I only ask because it's only 5 pm now and I still have about 650-700 calories left for tonight... it's not a huge deal if I'm not around it right? I just haven't been eating a lot whilst I'm sick with my darn cold :frown:
    Is there anything that I can have tonight that's somewhat healthy, but still within my 700 calories left?
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    Excess amounts of sodium can cause water retention. To aid with that, drink more water to flush the sodium out. Being significantly under your alloted calories for one day isn't too much of a concern. If you start noticing that you are doing it more and more, then you might want to begin worrying. I hope you feel better soon and get over your cold.

    If you have any orange juice around the house you could drink a glass. It would help your vitamin C numbers and aid you in getting over your cold. It would also add quick calories to your daily amount. Nuts and peanut butter are also healthy snacks to boost up your calorie numbers.

    If you're honestly not hungry at all, call it a day and try to get some rest.
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    If I have extra calories and NOT hungry then i just dont eat them.
    Also, if im craving stuff and want to eat but its late at night or after when i WANT to stop eating, ill have like a bag of popcorn or something thats 100 calories, andd have a glass of water.
    Or I play a game and tell myself If i have like 32oz of water then i can have a snack, so at least my belly will be full of water and ill get the water in for the day before I have something good, even if its a glass of juice or something.