Anyone in their 20s?

Hi everyone!!!
I hope no one was offended by the topic :frown: not to be age-ist or anything but support from someone closer to my problem is a lot easier... someone that can i can relate to...
I'm new here, 23 years old gal from California...:flowerforyou:
I'm only 5ft, currently 197lbs and I need to lose at least 30lbs... I've been on diet pills, 500 cal diet, and all of those crash diet... I don't want that anymore because I will only gain it not all but DOUBLED back...
So I'm curious what everyone else is up to? What are you currently on? Are doing the P90x or on some sort of diet or just eating healthy?
I need all the support, help, motivation and tips that anyone can give :) Please add me as a friend and let's encourage one another! :smile: :wink:


  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    welcome, im 22 and i think there isnt a fad diet i havent attempted.

    im sure we can help eachother feel free to add xxx
  • Age 24 London England UK here! Welcome to MFP. Will add you now!
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm 25 and really want to learn to manage my weight while I am still young and have a decent metabolism
  • 24 from Oklahoma! I gained about 30 pounds after college and I was so upset since I used to be very physically fit. I lost about 10-15 pounds from stress (yay vet school!), and now I've been on MFP and I'm trying to get back to my weight from Day 1 Freshman year. about 8 more pounds to go!
  • cow_boy104
    cow_boy104 Posts: 1 Member
    29 from California
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
  • its all about exercise , obviously a calorie count is neccesary for a number like thirty pounds , or any weight loss really but even the simplest exercises make that count alot easier to reach and this site has a pretty wide range of listing when trying to record exercises
  • I'm 25 living on Edinburgh and just trying to shed a few more pounds. Feel free to add me. :)
  • How's it going...........I have a suggestion for you..........Apart from lots of swimming or running to lose weigh the other way which sounds like it could help you out and keep you away from diet pills and such is to eat 5 small meals a day instead of say (for example--3 big meals) during the day....this will force your metabolism to stay active throughout the day. Next........when you go to the gym or wherever you go to exercise.......make sure you do about 30mins-1 hour of high intensity weight lifting before you do any cardio or fat burning workouts like running, riding a bike, stair master, tred meal, etc. This does not mean you should lift heavy weights......just lift enough to make it a solid effort but only rest between sets and exercises for about 30 seconds to a minute. Then after that high intensity weight lifting then try cardio workout such as running......what this does is this
    >by working out using the weights first you burn off all your body's short term energy stores such as lipids, carbs, and sugars..........then when you finally get to your cardio fat burn portion of the workout then your body will go straight to burning fat cells for energy. Hope this helps would need to stick with a routine like this for a few weeks or so before seeing huge results..........I was 250-260 a while back and in 10 weeks I got down to 193......not saying this is what will happen for you but it should help in getting to your goals or at least mix up the routine a bit.
  • ae6clarke
    ae6clarke Posts: 5 Member
    Howdy! I'm 25 from Melbourne, Australia. Feel free to add me- I'd love some more supportive mates :)
  • Next........when you go to the gym or wherever you go to exercise.......make sure you do about 30mins-1 hour of high intensity weight lifting before you do any cardio or fat burning workouts like running, riding a bike, stair master, tred meal, etc. This does not mean you should lift heavy weights......just lift enough to make it a solid effort but only rest between sets and exercises for about 30 seconds to a minute. Then after that high intensity weight lifting then try cardio workout such as running......what this does is this
    >by working out using the weights first you burn off all your body's short term energy stores such as lipids, carbs, and sugars..........then when you finally get to your cardio fat burn portion of the workout then your body will go straight to burning fat cells for energy. Hope this helps out....

    This I'm going to try myself! Thanks!
    That said 24 year old .... Still learning how to zigzag her diet and find what's best without fad diets nor diet pills...lost 6 pounds in 15 days just with a few healthy changes...on the last 4:) feel free to add!
  • Heyyyyyy, I'm Nikki :) Welcome to mfp!

    I just eat little and often - fruit and yoghurt snacks if I crave something during the week, don't eat after 7pm and drink plenty of water!

    What I have learnt is that you can't say no to everything so pick a day where you can have a little treat to break up eating well... (mines a saturday so I can have enjoy a day out if I plan on going anywhere!) last week I didn't but I ate malteasers and had some crisps - that one off was much better than in the past when I'd have that every other day so I still lost :) and since then I've found it easier to keep on track!

    Don't go cold turkey, it's not possible and you'll end up binging!! xx
  • I've sent you a friend request! I'm 24! :)
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    I'm currently 25,but I'll be 26 in a few weeks.Feel free to add me :)
  • KaeNight
    KaeNight Posts: 16 Member
    A'lo~ I also just joined the site, am 25, and live in Cali. I'm getting daunted by the similarities already! My current diet involves primarily eating a good vitamin every day. I haven't gotten much beyond that since I just started, but in all honesty I think that vitamin will do me a world a good.

    As for advice, ifeelbetterwo has a good point about keeping the metabolism up and running. The biggest problem with not eating is that it puts your body into starvation mode and you can actually gain weight by doing that because you store everything rather than using it. On top of that, when you start eating again you tend to bloat up because you're putting more food into your tummy than its current size can fit. Which makes it start to stretch. Kinda like when you put water into a balloon. The only difference is that your tummy doesn't deflate nearly as quickly when the water is depleted and then you feel even more hungry cuz there's all this new space to be filled. And yes, I have experienced this myself so I'm not just repeating hearsay.

    My personal advice though would be to stop relying on someone else's weight loss plan and start relying on yourself. Harsh as that may sound, only you know the ins and outs of your body and only you can take the reward for its health. If you take the time to listen carefully, your body will tell you exactly what it needs. Sometimes what it wants as well, but focus on those needs. When you get hungry, eat. When you feel energetic, go out and be active. If you have headaches, drink more water. Even the little things can tell you how to balance your diet. For example if you find yourself getting tired easily, then find something with vitamin B and/or C to eat. Those should give you some quick energy and if you add them into your diet then you'll give yourself a bit more stamina to work on those exercises. Just be careful not to overdose by chewing on vitamins all day and always keep drinking. Especially if you plan to be very active. Keep those electrolytes up!

    Guess this is getting kind of long, but one more thing! What I find most useful about this site (aside from the diary) is the calculator. It doesn't tell you what you should be eating or doing, it simply gives you a number. Maybe my inner mathematician is talking here, but I feel that the number helps me to gauge what I should be feeling during the day. Like say if I'm not eating enough, I expect to feel tired and I tell myself to eat a bit more tomorrow. Or if I have excess calories, I expect to have a bit of extra energy to burn and so I go exercise. If my expectations and reality are very different, then I know I'm doing something wrong. Since I'm just starting out here, I believe that this helps me to tackle the bigger questions of "how often should I eat", "what should I eat", and "when should I exercise". I'm sure later down the line I'll be able to feel those things without needing the calculator and manage a good routine, but for now I find it extremely useful.
  • Hi there!! I'm 23 from SoCal. I havn't tried a specific diet. What I have done is cut out all the fast food, chips, cookies, pastries and soda. That by its self made me lose like 30 pounds or so. For me though, I have to exercise A LOT! Mostly because I have a huge appetite. I find that its easier for me to not go over my calorie allowance if I stay active. Just use this website to track what you eat, and cut out the junk. It works, but it takes work. Also, IT DOES GET EASIER!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hey! I'm 21, and my weight has been up and down and up and down in the past couple years. Anyone can feel free to add me! I love having friends close to my age!
    The thing that worked best for me was eating clean, so I'm trying to get back to that!
  • yasiral
    yasiral Posts: 133 Member
    27 from Sydney!!!!!!
  • laracolette
    laracolette Posts: 43 Member
    Hey! I'm 21 and I've also tried a million different diets! Anyone can feel free to add me, I'm looking for some more supportive friends on here :)
  • thefallen1201
    thefallen1201 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 21... I'm currently still avoiding the gym. Once I FINALLY Get that incorporated into my lifestyle I'm sure I'll lose weight. I've been trying to lose weight off and on since I was 17... Or atleast, I didn't get serious about it until then. I've done all the crash diets too. Now I'm at 254 lbs (lost 3 so far, yay! it's only been a week though). I'm mostly just trying to get a handle on my eating... I've been very shy, but when I saw someone asking if there's anyone in their 20s on here, I couldn't help but reply. I want to atleast get out of the 200 range right now, but ultimately, I'd like to look healthy and fit a size 8...