
I am restarting my weight loss again. I've been off the wagon for over two weeks. No counting, no exercise. And today I realized that I need to go back. I looked myself and I just asked how and why did I let myself go that way. So now it is counting and exercising again. I hope that this topic will bring us together and we are here to support each other. I need support and help. i'm not that strong as I was before, so any kind of support is welcomed:) And I have a question too. What do you guys eat for breakfast? I struggle to find something that will make me feel full for longer time. :)


  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Welcome back! I eat early before 7 am.For breakfast I aim for about 300-375 calories and include proteins. So usually I have greek yogurt with fresh fruit and a 100 calorie granola bar. Or I'll have 2 eggs, sliced tomatoes, and a bit of cheese.

    these usually hold me until noon time.
  • Eggs sound good. I usually eat 2 slices of bread with some cucumber or tomato on top. Now that I wrote that, I see that it is bad. I used to eat a bowl of porridge with some fruit. I should to it again. That I haven't eaten like two months or maybe even more. Porridge should be good, or am I wrong?
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Hello twin! :) I'm in the exact same spot as you, only going on 3 weeks. My fitness trainer took a week of holidays, and we went away up north as a family before school started, and I haven't done anything either since all that!!

    SOO - I'm with you! :)

    By poriage, do you mean oatmeal? I love making oatmeal for breakfast, but was surprized how many calories 1 cup of cooked you might ahve to shave off calories from other meals or snacks if you have a good size bowl in the morning.
  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, congrats for getting back at it. Two weeks away is not a failure, just an intermission that makes you appreciate what you can achieve with lifestyle adjustments. A several months long plateau, followed by my own vacation induced intermission and accompanying weight gain caused me to look at my eating critically. Here's some of the changes I made, largely from reading a book written by a Physician, The Skinny on Losing Weight without being Hungry (I am still reading it). Before the book I was eating whole grain (not instant or fast cooking) oatmeal, or egg whites (2) with veggies and cheese. Now, I eat 4 egg whites with veggies or 1 c of 1% cottage cheese with 1 c of melon or strawberries. The book says protein keeps you full longer and that carbs cause a blood sugar spike causing rebound hunger. At lunch I've been bring a big salad (3 or 4 cups) to work with 4oz of lean protein (usually chicken or tuna) and sometimes I don't use dressing (usually if I have tuna which i put mayo in). Then, at dinner I prefer to have a homemade soup to start but if I don't have any I have a salad first with lowfat dressing. Then I eat veggies (2 servings), some times before sometimes with 4 or 5 oz of protein (which is more than I was eating), then only 1/2 c of startch (brown rice, mashed potatoes).

    I have to stay away from chips and crackers as I think the salt causes me to retain water. The book also lists acceptable snacks, and I have followed that advice, apples not the banana I've always eaten, celery with lowfat laughing cow cheese spread. I've lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks, so now I'm 3 lbs away from that platuea weight that I was on before my own "intermission." Good luck and hope this helps.
  • Same boat here.......continued to exercise a bit, but fell head first into the bag of chips/plate of BBQ/Mike's Hard Lemonade for about 2 weeks! So this AM back here to MFP looking for some motivation/inspiration. I'm just trying to remind myself how shi**y I have felt the last two weeks and how great I felt before that.......

    One day, one step at a time. Hang in there....we'll get there!
  • Thank you all :) You have really been a big help for me.After I wrote this post I ate three cupcake and I am not proud of myself. I feel shamed and when I think back how I felt when I ate good and exercised, the feeling was amazing. I had so much energy and I felt great. I wanna feel that again.And I know that with your help I will get back there:) Keep me motivated and if I can help anyone with whatever they need, I'm here for you guys:) Let us all keep our heads high and think positive:)
  • i do a protein shake as soon as i get the first 1/2hour i'm awake...then i go to curves to exercise...not usually hungry till lunch,but i do have fruit after my workout........and lots of water.
  • Switzer12
    Switzer12 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I am restarting also. Not really have been paying attention to my diet for the last month and just came off vacation, which is always a challenge. Therefore, before I do any more "damage", I am totally getting serious again. I feel better when I eat properly.

    I eat protein for breakfast, though try not to eat eggs too many times a week. Have been known to eat 1/2 porkchop from night before and a little cottage cheese. That protein sticks with you! Good luck to all of us.
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    Welcome back! You can do this. I tend to eat some protein (turkey bacon) and oatmeal and a fruit and some milk for breakfast. I am usually pretty hangry :) by 10 so I will snack then and then again around 11.

    Just remember each new day is just that a NEW day! Celebrate your victories and today is a new day. If you ate to much yesterday don't beat yourself up just dust yourself off and keep on going!

    Feel free to add me!
  • So, today was pretty okay day. I walked a lot and I ate pretty good, a little too much nuts maybe but overall pretty good. I'm pleased. I just hope that tomorrow will be better. I can't wait to do this naturally, eat naturally healthy, I miss that, I used to do this some time ago. Well, one step at a time. I will get there. Hope that everyone had a great day and that the next one will be even better:)
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
    I was just about to start my own post when I saw yours....I am finding myself struggling to get back into a healthy lifestyle. I can't even say for sure how I got out of it. I find myself being very tired, not wanting to workout or eat good. I am really trying to find that motivation I had when I first started. It seems like the first 20 pounds or so were easy, and the rest has been a struggle. It didn't help that I had set a goal reminder in my phone for the past spring that I wanted to reach my goal weight. I didn't make it of course. I'm still 30 pounds from my goal, and it seems like it should be easy after losing 40, but I just can't seem to get myself back to work. I'm not at a plateau because I know why I'm not losing anymore....I've slipped back to my old bad habits. Maybe we can help each other get back into it? Friend me if you like :) Good luck getting back into healthy living! If anyone else has any motivating tips for me, feel free to pm me! I need all the help I can get at this point, lol.
  • How's everyone doing?Haven't logged on for a while and I'm AGAIN restarding, this whole week has been a bad one but the weekend was the worst.Keeping a positive mind going forward.:)
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Happy to see you back,right now for i'm a liquid to soft diet cuz i had dental surgery.But feel free to add me.
  • MadamX18
    MadamX18 Posts: 7 Member
    its so easy to take time out from this isnt it and to just eat.... i have felt like this all last week and its a struggle to get back on track...
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    First: you made it back, and it only took two weeks! I went away for a few months, and I totally regret my lost time. Keep looking forward once you learn the lessons the past had to offer.

    Second: Breakfast that keeps me full, 2 eggs beaten with 1T. heavy whipping cream usually does the trick for me. I'll stay full after lunch, then I'll just snack until a big dinner. That's what works for me, so if it doesn't jive with you, that's okay.

    Toast with cucumber/tomato on top sounds good! It's only "bad" if it doesn't fit into your macros for the day. I see that this is an older thread, and I commend you for your progress already! Getting back on the wagon is the hardest part, but now that you're back on, it's easy mode! I wish you the best of luck!
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    Keep motivated! You can do it! I usually eat light for breakfast and have a mid morning snack because even if I eat heavier, I'm usually hungry again before lunch anyway. So for breakfast I have either a yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, or a bagel thin with light cream cheese. Then around 10:00, I have some fruit to last me until lunch. I feel like I'm eating enough and it's not too many calories.
  • I'm totally doing the same thing! Only. . .I just came back today and it was more like two months. :blushing:

    For me, it started with a couple crazy weeks that completely derailed my routine. It's shocking how fast that happens, isn't it?

    Part of my back-to-it reform is to have the same thing everyday for breakfast and lunch. At least, that's the idea. We'll see how it goes. I have a bowl of old-fashioned oatmeal for breakfast (with a tablespoon of brown sugar and cinnamon) and an egg or a glass of milk. It's a little light on the calories, though. I might need to add a second egg. The plan for lunch is a dinner roll and a large salad. I'm also instituting healthier snack, like an apple with string cheese. I'd also like to try my hand at making homemade granola bars. And, OF COURSE, getting back to the gym. I'm looking forward to/dreading that part. I don't know why I'm so nervous about it. :ohwell:

    Anyway, that's the plan.

    Good luck to us all!
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I'm on this page too - I signed up for a 5k to get myself motivated again. The past few weeks, I've just let myself make excuses, and boy, could I tell when I tried to go for a run yesterday! It was pathetic :(

    One thing I'm working on right now is reminding myself that food isn't a reward, it's fuel. The reqard is how much better I feel, how much more clear my skin is (ugh: adult acne, I hate you!), how much more energy I have when I make the time and put effort into taking cre of myself.

    I have to be my priority - no one else can do this for me!

    (Sounds good, right? Now: implementing it!)
  • Thank you all! Really, you help me, everyday I come here and I read what you have wrote and I feel strong again. I was searching through my old stuff and I found a picture from last years november and there was a quote attached to it. and it said: A year from now you wish you had started today. And from a month and a little bit more it is november again and I really wish I would have started a year ago. I have been on and off for all the year with my diet and now I gave away my old clothes that did not fit me anymore, they were too small. I still can't believe what have I done to myself. When did things get so out of hand and when did the weight came on. I need to say no. like seriously, I can't go on like that anymore. I'm now writing down my goals, hope that this will help me. I saw that you all have lost so much weight already, you have been supper good. Thank you all again:)
  • Soo, how is everyone doing? I'm doing better now.Right now I really think that I can do this, that I will stick to it. The only thing is that I am not exercising yet, to that I can't seem to get motivated. Now I eat for breakfast oatmeal or 2 eggs with some leafy greens. And it is so delicious and filling too. I'm taking one small step everyday. :)