I do TRX for 60 minutes each week. We start with 200 jump ropes, squat jumps and jumping jacks for warm up, about 45 minutes actually using the straps for resistance and five minutes of "warm down". Does anyone know the approximate calories burned?


  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor and then you can use the MFP exercise creator and it will tell you the calories burned
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    if you find out let me know! I don't have an HRM but I've been going twice a week for 45-50 minutes, and I have never had such a good workout! I usually log it as about 200...but I feel like I have to be burning more, but I try to estimate on the low end...
  • rabbittac
    rabbittac Posts: 6 Member
    My fitbit says about 400 calories. It's a wicked workout.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    My fitbit says about 400 calories. It's a wicked workout.

    Well, if your FitBit says 400, that's your answer. . . or am I missing something?
  • I've been doing TRX for a couple of weeks, I'm still a beginner, I'm still over 150pounds and I have NO core or upper body strength, so many of the moves are super difficult for me. I can't do the pike for example, so I try, (I fail) and I just plank for 45 seconds - and yes, even that kills me.

    First, I'd like to point out that TRX is strength training, and should be logged as reps...
    Having said that, I log it as calories :x

    I always use my HRM to count exercise calories, and I do 30min TRX classes 2 or 3 times a week. It's not all that high unfortunately, about 200 for 30 minutes. I also run/zumba, and I burn about 800 in a 90 minute session, if that's any help in terms of comparison.

    But I can't really compare the cardio workouts to TRX, my muscles are really sore after TRX, and it's a love/hate thing I have going on there. Although the calorie burn might not be there, the muscle definition will certainly start to show.
  • rabbittac
    rabbittac Posts: 6 Member
    That's helpful. Our TRX class at the Y is 60 minutes, but he warms us up with 200 jump ropes, squat jacks and other cardio before putting the straps on. So it is a cardio/strengthening mix. I, too, have a love-hate relationship. But every Saturday morning, there I am. I also do four other classes (20/20/20 and power hour and/or Zumba) plus walk 7-8 miles two days. Sunday I rest. All the exercise makes me hungry, unfortunately. I have a heck of a time losing just one pound.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    You're probably burning more than 400...probably closer to 500 would be my best guess/what I would enter.
  • CurlDiva
    CurlDiva Posts: 33 Member
    I also do a TRX class at the Y and we do the beginning class which is about 30 second reps on (generally 5 excercise at a time. We then come off and do about a minute of cardio. With my heart rate monitor I consistently burn 600 calories every workout.