Best way to measure calorie burn?


I've got a birthday coming up and was thinking I'd like o get something to aid me in all the fun I'm having with starting to get healthy. GF is asking me what I want so I thought it might be an idea to get some techno doohicky - HRM? Or something *shrugging* I'm not sure what

- Walk my dogs every day
- Starting lifting (NROL4W) next week
- Intermittent bursts of HIIT - VERY sporadic though

I know HRMs aren't the greatest for measuring calorie burn when you're strength training but, dunno, I'd kinda like something I strap on every day to tell me what I'm doing and provide another focus to keep me on track

Anyone got any recommendations?


  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm going to go with a fitbit. I love mine. You can read lots of threads on them.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    fitbits are going to be guestimates just like every other gadget. I'm all about if you get me close to the number..I'll round it low and if I burned more than that...then good for me.
    The fitbit syncs with this website and several put it in your pocket and it tracks steps and how many calories you've burned..and gives you little encouraging prompts to get moving.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    A as long as there's a chest strap for a HRM /fit bit you're fine. Polar makes great HRM's.

    And strength training CAN be cardio - I normally burn anywhere from 400-600 calories when I do NROLFW. I just start on the elliptical to get my heart rate up, then go into my workout and it stays up pretty much the whole workout.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I use the Polar FT4. Love it! It has a chest strap that is a little uncomfortable at first but you get used to is and begin to forget it's there. My husband uses the Polar FT7. He seems to like it really well, also.

    If you are wanting more accurate readings, I would look into HRMs with a chest strap. I have read those are more accurate then HRMs without one.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I've just got a motoactv with HRM to go with it.

    Will have to see long term, but so far am happy using it as a daily calorie counter - it works both as a general pedometer as well as recording my cycling etc. Also had it on while indoor climbing and set up to use the HRM.
    Not sure how accurate it will be for that, but haven't seen anything else that will even give it a go as far as estimating calories burnt goes. (Obviously each move in indoor climbing is likely to be a fair bit more arduous than a single step up stairs - as reflected by increased heart rate.)
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Neither is useful for specific calorie burn numbers, but both the Polar HRM (used during exercise) and the Fitbit are fun spurs to activity. If you can only buy one, and plan to engage in regular vigorous cardio activity, get a HRM with a chest strap.