Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor - A Review.



  • kuzurichan
    Where can u buy the batteries and are they replaceable at home? I ordered mine yesterday and should get it Tuesday

    Here. :)
    You can replace them at home easily! The manual recommends getting a Polar supplier to change the battery to guarantee that it's still moisture/waterproof, but it's easy to do it on your own. :)

    This is what the battery cap of the watch and WearLink look like:
    Use a screwdriver to twist it, and the battery will be underneath. :)
  • DianeG213
    My husband just bought me the silver one yesterday, I was worried that the strap would be uncomfortable (I'm very big busted), but it's not at all.

    I have the FT7 and really like it. Now that I am running I wish I would have purchased the Polar with the foot attachment and GPS for mileage & speed. (Hindsight) The strap however does tend to make red marks on my skin where the clasp rests, and so I switch it from side to side daily. I also have an extra strap so I can clean it and hang it dry and I always have another ready. A few days ago I noticed that Polar had introduced a new "soft strap" which I intend to get because of the marks.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    They're not so great a few months down the line. I've sent mine back to Polar twice, first time they replaced something and changed the battery, it only worked for a week when the same problems started again. The second time they sent me a new strap. It still doesn't work.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • kuzurichan
    They're not so great a few months down the line. I've sent mine back to Polar twice, first time they replaced something and changed the battery, it only worked for a week when the same problems started again. The second time they sent me a new strap. It still doesn't work.

    I'm sorry to hear.
    I think you've just been unlucky - I know plenty of MFP'ers who've had theirs for months and even years, and theirs work fine.

    Doesn't make it any less frustrating when you have one that doesn't work though, but at least Polar is doing their best to help!
  • AubreySue81
    AubreySue81 Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks so much for this review! My Polar FT4 is being delivered today, and this kind of gave me a jump start on what to really expect. :bigsmile:
  • 2LoveEnnisMccall6
    I ordered this Thursday night and it came Saturday morning it's amazing! !
    At first I thought they'd only sent the watch with how small the box was
    But the strap and connecter are tiny which is great, you can barely feel something
    Is there. Does anyone take calories off whet there HRM says?
    Some people say to I'm not sure? One said take 1 calorie off every min
    You workout.
  • lusiski
    lusiski Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, great review. I've had mine for about a year and I love it ( I even bought one for my sister).
    I'm just wondering how accurate you think it is.
    I'm a total stats geek, so I use a variety of gadgets and apps during my runs/lift sessions. I have found, at times, that my calorie burn is very high with the HR monitor compared to other applications that I am using (like the FitBit, for example)
    I want to believe that it's more accurate because it's actually measuring my HR! ...but I don't know.
  • dedeebabi101
    I just bought mine. I can't wait to get it. I ordered two, one for my mother and one for me. Mine is light green/dark green and my mother has the pink/purple one. I purchased it from Heart Rate Monitors USA. I hope they are a trust worthy website. The company for HRM USA is in PA which is the state I am in, so I should get it by Tuesday or Wednesday. :) I'm so excited.
  • ShreddingIt_84
    I just bought this one, i think its cool! :)
  • mistyblue182
    mistyblue182 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, great review. I've had mine for about a year and I love it ( I even bought one for my sister).
    I'm just wondering how accurate you think it is.
    I'm a total stats geek, so I use a variety of gadgets and apps during my runs/lift sessions. I have found, at times, that my calorie burn is very high with the HR monitor compared to other applications that I am using (like the FitBit, for example)
    I want to believe that it's more accurate because it's actually measuring my HR! ...but I don't know.

    I feel like mine is off too. It seems to say that I'm burning 100 calories every 10 minutes (roughly) no matter what I'm doing at the gym, cycling, elliptical, treadmill etc. I've seen/heard other people post their calories burned and it's rarely ever that high. That's actually how I came across this post, trying to figure out if mine is working correctly or not.
  • mc_hudd
    mc_hudd Posts: 47
    Just ordered an FT7 & a Fitbit Zip last night, they should be here Thursday. I'm so excited to try both of them! :happy:
  • carriens407
    I love this product!

    <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001U0OFCS/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001U0OFCS&linkCode=as2&tag=httpswwwf046e-20&linkId=ALYLS4GKT4SB77F6">Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor Watch (Silver / Black)</a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=httpswwwf046e-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B001U0OFCS&quot; width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
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  • clrayner
    clrayner Posts: 2 Member
    Can this watch monitor your heart rate without the strap? x