Does it get easier? :D

So, I bought Thirty Day Shred. I did day five of level one today. I've only been able to do the shred every other day, because I am just too sore the day after. Once I finish the shred workout, I've been hitting the streets for a walk/jog of varying lengths--usually 30 minutes, but sometimes as much as 45. I'm planning to keep increasing the length of that walk/jog, as well as do it every day.

Anyway, to get to my point. I've noticed definite improvement in my fitness from day one to now. On day one, I had to stop repeatedly during the shred. I couldn't complete the jumping jacks or jump rope sections, couldn't work the entire time during abs, had to rest a couple times during strength. Each day, I've been keeping up a little better. I expect to be able to work the entire time without stopping by day six or seven. Yay, right? The problem: According to my HRM, I've burned fewer calories each day. Since this workout leaves me pretty hungry, I'm sad about this.

To keep this post from being all about whining, I'm going to add that I'm very pleased with the walk/jog. I don't have a pedometer, so I have no idea what distance I'm going, but I walk a very similar route every day...the only changes I make are to shorten or lengthen the duration of the walk. I've been picking a landmark, then choosing another that seems a challenging distance away, and jogging between the two. Day one, I had one such interval. Today, day six of the walk/jog, I had four such intervals, and two of them were close to twice as long as they normally are. (I hope that sentence made sense.) I also noticed that my recovery time was significantly less today. Before, it took 8-9 minutes of walking to bring my HR down from the high point, today it took 2-3.

So, I guess I'm getting more fit? I'm glad about that, but the workouts feel just as hard, and I'm just as sore afterward, as I was the first day. I guess I hoped that as I got more fit, the workout would seem easier. I don't know...I think this post just crossed the line into babbling, so I'm gonna go now! :bigsmile: