8 weeks and nearly 30 pounds lost; binged last night--BADLY



  • melsal9902
    melsal9902 Posts: 11 Member
    You know what...did the same thing. I think we all do and I think the good thing is that we recognize it. :happy: with me it's the back to school thing and the extra-curicular activities and the homework and the supplies and the money...... I am sure you get it. We just jump right back in and we are smarter for it. Thanks for the post. Aalthough I know I am not alone, it is good to actually see and read that I am not alone.
  • judgerock810
    judgerock810 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you everyone for the feedback. I really appreciated it and it is very helpful. I am going to enjoy my day with my son and still go on with the day the way I had planned. I am making ribs on the grill for family and am cutting back on some of it and the 1 beer I had planned I am not going to have. I am hoping that the extra calories help amp my metabolism.
  • thatchocolatechic
    At the end of the day when all is said and done...You have to keep control and reset your mind to make sure you meet your goal. Think positively. Pray. Keep it moving. This is not just about numbers on a machine, its about health. I'm glad that you recognize the possibility of repeating the past that way you already know the consequences...so that fear or anxiety that you have is a great motivation to NOT go backwards, but forwards...You can do it! Its not one of us that has not failed at one point of time on mfp. I lost 60 pounds and gained 70, but I AM HERE..and SO ARE YOU! LET'S DO IT!
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    Get back on track its the little things that get us hung up. I'm in the same boat with school,work,husband coaching, and a one year old.its hard. Just don't undo what you have done.
  • mommyrox05
    Ah its just a little slip! You've got this. Don't dwell move forward :D

    Everyone has a moment of weakness now and then! You can't be too hard on yourself! Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off...and start over fresh today! You are AWESOME for starting this journey! =)
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Happened to me last night, for a different reason. We just start fresh today! One day doesn't undo 8 weeks of hard work.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    You got the touchdown (8 weeks of awesomeness). You missed the extra point (binge). Big deal. Grab that ball and get right back in the game!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I agree with all the above people, but especially the congratulations on what you HAVE done! Just take it one day at a time and keep moving forward and keep moving. We have all had days where we ate more than we should have, but you have had 8 weeks of staying strong. Focus on how that feels!
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    hey, it's ok. you dont do this every day. tomorrow is a new day. don't dwell on the binge, just do the amazing things you have been doing and dont sweat it. it really is no big deal...unless you start doing this every night. then it is a big deal.


    Please don't stress about it! Aside from anything else stress releases Cortisol which is a stress hormone and is responsible for the body storing abdominal fat! so try and remain calm as much as possible!

    It was one day! One day is NOT going to make a blind bit of difference to your progress in the long term. In fact, it may even do you good! After all, this is a LIFESTYLE change! You need to allow yourself days off from thinking too much about food and calories otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy! If you did things like last night every day then yeah, that would put your efforts in jeopardy but you don't, so you needn't panic. Just put it behind you and carry on eating well, exercising and drinking your water. I always say NEVER make dietary changes that you can't stick to for good! This is all about making lifetime changes. Quick fix diets never work in the long run.

  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    You log it and you move on. And I see that you have done the first step - now to do the second.

    Things to consider ----

    I notice in your diary that you don't meet your daily calorie target most days so the deficit you have been maintaining is likely higher than can be sustained in the long run. If you average your calories out for the week and include your "refeed" your are probably close to what you should have been eating all along! It will even out in the end. Too big of a cut can drive binges.

    30 lbs in 8 weeks is an average of 3.75 pounds a week. that is a lot to loss each week. If you are obese that is fine but if you are just overweight you may be doing this too fast. Not good if it all comes back once you go back to old habits. A less sever cut that tapers down as you get closer to goal may be more sustainable in the long run.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    To the OP...........thank you....seriously, from the bottom of my heart.

    I am exactly where you are, sorta :drinker:

    I didnt go over my calories......I just ate food I dont normally eat because....because.....aw hell I dont know...I just did. As if that's not bad enough I start today off eating a fu@king bear claw and the scene just repeats. I hate it but it is what it is.

    I suspect my issue is my "net" has been sooooooooooooo low for probably 6 weeks that Im paying for it now. So now i gotta kick it up a notch and get back up where I know I need to be. It doesnt help that I over did a workout late in the week (this last week) and made it damn near impossible to walk much less work.


    Sorry for the whine and for derailing your thread. I do wish you much luck and success
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Hey we all do it. I had a day where I drank 2 glasses of wine and then ate half an angel food cake with a big pile of whipped cream. My daughter thought since it was my birthday I should enjoy myself. ughhhh Should have said thanks but no thanks but I ate it anyway. Of course the next week the scale didn't budge and hasn't moved since. We all do it. No excuses just learn from it and move on. I've learned I have to say no to myself and others who offer.