
DarkAngel1 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So I've never had any weight problems, always been the skinny B*****! LOL! But husband and I quit smoking, bought a house, and I changed from a highly active job to a much slower paced one. SO here I am almost 15 lbs heavier and almost 30 years old. Better get on track while I can!!!!! I'm giving myself to the 2nd week in January to eat all the junk in the house while I research. Compiling more healthy recipies, excersices, and getting in the habit of recording stuff. Holy crap I've already had 3,113 calories today! Agh!!!!!
I have a few questions, I see people's blogs. How do I start my own?
How do you befriend someone on here?
And for recording fitness, Wii isn't on here???!!!!! How do we get this fixed?!


  • Hey there. Adding a friend is pretty easy. Go to community, and then click on find members. Do a search based on what you know. My darling wife to be "MAGDSA" on this site is "almost 30" as well ... says she wants to loose 4 pounds and get healthy (and is supporting my 12 or so I need to loose). You two might hit it off.

    Congrats on quiting smoking. Good move for you health.

    I haven't done the blog thing yet. I think you can put you Wii stuff in yourself.

    Good luck and enjoy the day,
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