Blah Blah Blah

So the past few days I've been packing my lunch. This comes from having lived paycheck to paycheck the past few months because of bills and eating out ALLLLLLL the time. I've packed pretty decent lunches and maybe I bought a little snack while at work. Yesterday while tracking my food on the app I was pretty excited that I was under my calorie count. Thennnnn my brothers gf sends me a text saying she can drink again and automatically I think STRAWBERRY DAIQURIS! So of course we go to Chili's for two for one and of course I want to eat...

Needless to say while I was entering my food after we paid the bill I got really bummed...1300 for my meal 400 for my drinks and 1100 for dessert... can't not have dessert, especially the molten chocolate cake.

Then I got sad, and the food didn't taste as good as it did... knowing how much I just put in my body.

So this morning I got a bowl of cereal and actually measured the servings 3/4c of cheerios and 1/2c skim milk and a banana. I've been laying in bed all morning trying to find motivation to get up and do something.

I wanted to go the beach but my incesions are still healing (I had my appendix taken out 2 weeks ago) and I've been feeling really sore and lame because I haven't been able to do any real physical activity. I was starting an exercise regimen, get up at 4:30am get to the gym by 5am work out until 7am shower and get to work by 8am. That was going OK I was a little tired but after awhile I got use to it... now I feel like a heffer.

My weight keeps fluctuating between 3lbs. I have no patience when it comes to weight loss....I just want it off.

Anyone have similar issues?
Any advice on how to gain patience with weight loss?


  • judgerock810
    judgerock810 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been really impatient with weight loss this time around and I have found planning ALL my meals and coming up with recipes to cook in future dates has been fairly helpful.
  • FitGrandma61
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Try to keep clear focus as to where you're going (goal) and why achieving your goal is important to you. Good luck!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    It's a change in your lifestyle, not a single episode of weight loss.
    It takes time to work with yourself and make changes.
    Focusing on the scale as your only measure of success, is going to give you the same rise and fall in your emotions!
    Stop being attached to the scale only.
    If you have bad habits, focus on improving those.
    The scale will only follow your lead.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    First off, don't kick yourself over one day. At first, your food diary can show you where things are going wrong. Be honest with yourself when logging and you will learn a lot. You may want to check out diaries of others to see what works for them. Then it is all about learning to make better choices. Don't expect perfection. Just learn from your mistakes and move on. You'll be able to get exercise soon, and that will help.

    It is hard to be patient. But unfortunately you have no choice if you want to do it right and make it last. Don't give up, and good luck.