Help with meal ideas for more high protein macros.

I struggle to get the 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat macos right! I have an ok time staying around 50% carbs but find lower harder to balance.

Any helpful hints?


  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    I looked at your diary....perhaps you could switch one of the grain-based carbs to a vegetable then up the protein and fat in that meal. For example, 2-3 egg omelette, full fat cheese, and whatever vegetables of your choice for breakfast. Or 1/2 of the english muffin.

    Typically "fat-free" foods replace the favor fat provides with either sodium or carbs. The full fat aged cheddar I use has no carbs and TONS of flavor so I don't use much at a time. Also, the type of fat in that natural, full-fat cheese is good for you and helps keep you full.