Starting c25k Tomorrow - any advice??



  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Good shoes. Listen to your body! and Have Fun!!!
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Don't be discouraged if it takes you several tries to complete some of the workouts. It took me a week to get past workout number one and now I've been on week three for almost a month.

    Defnitely make sure you have good shoes! I went to a store that specializes in running shoes and had them evaluate my feet and run to see what shoes were best for me.

    Good luck!!
    Yep, me too. I cannot stress enough how much of a difference it made when I was fitted at a running store for the right shoes! Look up local running stores...not big box shoe or sports stores, but a store that specializes in running.

    Also, I do much better when I run outside. I feel better and my calorie burns are higher. But sometimes it is just necessary to hit a treadmill...try both and see what works best for you. Have fun and good luck!
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    You can do it. No matter what. Even if you have to repeat days or weeks. Get in the mindset of full success, and you'll be running 5k before you know it!
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Go to a runners store, not a mall store and get a free gait analysis and get fitted for proper running shoes. I just completed C25K and ran my 1st race in August. I would not have been able to do it pain free or injury free without proper running shoes. It is worth the investment especially if you plan to adopt running/jogging/wogging as a lifestyle. Here is what I did to get started:

    - plan a safe well lit, highly populated route in advance
    - register now for your 5K race in 9 or 10 weeks (for motivation)
    - tell at least 5 people what you are doing, saying it to others makes it real and they will cheer you on and keep you on track
    - stretching regimen (5 - 10 minutes of good stretches before & after runs from your neck to ankle will keep you injury & pain free)
    - water bottle belt (your hands should be free, it also holds your ID, phone and can find them at Target for $15)
    - drink water before you run, during your run and after your run - stay hydrated
    - make sure you eat a healthy meal before so you have fuel to complete your run
    - a running buddy (for companionship and accountability, 8 weeks is a long time and you may be tempted to quit)

    Here are some items that I found invaluable:

    - moisture wicking Tshirts and Shorts/Pants (so you won't be weighed down with sweat, regular cotton T's hold in sweat)
    - sun screen
    - sun glasses
    - hat/visor

    Have fun, it was one of best things I have ever done. The sense of accomplishment is amazing! the weight loss is an added side effect ;-)

    This is a wonderful post, very helpful! Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    I just started as well! Keep telling yourself you can do it :) that got me through my first set. Also jams are highly recommended! Just keep telling yourself its your mind quitting not your body :)
  • SilverOnTheTree
    SilverOnTheTree Posts: 102 Member
    Congratulations! You ARE a runner now, and don't let anybody tell you differently. The moment your foot hits the track, you belong there.

    If you like running while plugged into an MP3 player (I sure do), there are lots of free C25K music tracks. I use the Podrunner Intervals mixes to cue walk/run times. There's also the website which lists music by speed.

    Took me 8 weeks of gym training before I could manage Week 1 Day 1 outdoors, so don't be disheartened if it's a slow start, and do keep trying! I start Week 2 tomorrow :D
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Good luck OP! I'll be starting soon-ish, just need to get a better sports bra and new shoes!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Enjoy it - it's an amazing journey :) I am just about done with it, though not done with running. My biggest tips -

    1) Register for a 5K for motivation. I registered for one for W9 D2 and ended up running one on W7 D3 - the motivation helps.

    2) Good shoes!

    3) If you feel like you can't do it, SLOW DOWN. You absolutely 100% can! ...cuz I did. And if I can? Seriously, anyone can.

    4) Don't get pysched out by W5 D3. Don't talk yourself out of it. You will be ready, even if it seems like you can't be. Just do it.

    5) HAVE FUN! :)
  • girish_ph
    girish_ph Posts: 148 Member
    I did it! I just finished c25k Wk-1, Day-1. Thanks to all you guys and gals for support.

    Before I started I was a little down and depressed. All past failures at being fit and at other activities flashed before me. Thanks to your kind words, I decided to give it a try.

    As you all said, I jogged at a liesurely pace. Unfortunately, my startup/warmup walk was toobrisk, so I got a bit out of breath at the start, but recovered later on. All in all, when I finished, I was panting, but not too much dead. It was OK. All my fears were really paper dragons. Thanks to you for your suggestions on talking the walk slow. Thats what made it easy.

    I love you all.
  • cgale8
    cgale8 Posts: 34 Member
    I just started the c25K as well. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a runner and have never trusted myself (due to my size) to be able to accomplish it. A friend started the program and I decided to join her to just give it a try.

    The c25k program has a free ap that you can download that takes you through each workout. I put it on my ipod touch and am able to watch the time clocks as well as listen to my music. It breaks in and states when to start walking, when to start running, as well as "your halway there"!! I found this to be a perfect tool for me.

    I have finished week 1 day 1 and am excited that I did finish. I am not worried about speed at all at this point just getting through it. With the ap you can pause and restart it as well. I only had to pause once and ran the intervals the first half (well my "run" was a half step above fast walk!!) During the second half I walked faster during the run segments. Eventually I will be able to keep my pace steady but for now I am thrilled I completed the first day!!!

    Good luck on your program!!:smile:
  • lmillen
    Hi sorry for hijacking your thread, I'm looking for some advice too...

    I've restarted c25k after a looong break. I just completed Week 4 Day 1. I found that for 2-3 days after each run I have a really achey muscle on the inside of my legs next to my shin if that makes sense? I do think it is muscular and not shin splints.

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced muscle pain there? If so, any tips for reducing the pain?

    Also, can anyone recommend some good warm-up / cool down stretches for before and after C25k runs?

    Thanks x
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Good luck OP! I'll be starting soon-ish, just need to get a better sports bra and new shoes!

    Resurrecting this thread to say I DIDN'T wait to get new shoes, started on Sunday, and believe I have injured my hamstring. Sooo stupid. Anyone else getting ready to start, make sure you have good shoes :sad:
  • HarlowS
    HarlowS Posts: 287 Member
    Good shoes from a local running store where experts can fit you based on your foot. Not a big box sporting goods store. Not a regular shoe store.

    Run slow. It is hard to run too slow when you are starting out. It's a more common mistake to try and run too fast.

    Be proud - you're a runner on Day 1! You are in a wonderful community and part of a positive minority in our society. Hold your head high, enjoy being a runner, and have fun!

    ^ ^ ^
  • calitravelingal
    I completed Week 2 Day 1 today and OMG!!! I've always had the mentality, "I won't ever be able to run... I can't do that..." I literally choked (almost cried and hoping no one noticed) while on the treadmill because I WAS doing it! I'm starting off slow, walking 3.2mph and jogging 4.2mph. Once I graduate, I may do it all over again out doors.

    GOOD LUCK! Have fun with it! Listen to your body! :)

    This is great. I started too fast and had to slow down. I found that around 3-3.4 for walking and 4.0 jogging worked for me. I completed the program and ran my 1st 5K two weekends ago. Now I'm starting the whole thing all over but with increased speeds. Did week 1 day 1 on monday running at 5.5. This program really works but don't be afraid or ashamed to go slow. I took me 16 weeks to complete it the 1st time around. Good luck and get good shoes!