Hi. I am new and would like and my aim is to loose weight.

Hi. I am new to the site. I was once quite fit and active, enjoying dancing, cycling, yoga, aerobics and walking. However, around 5 years ago I had a knee injury and basically I have sat around for the past five years. I have gone from a size 8 to a size 16 (UK sizes). I am currently 175 lbs and I am only 5'3". I want to get down to 133 lbs, but have no defined time limit.

I am currently exercising aerobically 3 times per week for 30 minutes a session. I am keeping a food diary to monitor what I eat. I want to eat more protein than carbs. Can anyone please advise me the best way to go about shifting this excess weight and getting fit and healthy once again?

Many thanks,


  • Hi Nessa

    Welcome to MFP. Another Brit. Yeah! I joined 3 weeks ago. I am 5" 4 and was a size16. Now in size 14. I stick to 1200 cals per day (maybe more from cal's gained from exercise) and i have had 2 treat days (extra 300-400 cals only). I use tesco meal replacement milkshakes (you will find them with the vit's and slimming stuff) for breakie and lunch during the working week to ensure i have the most cal for the evening. I think your exercise plan will speed things up. I too stick to 30 minutes (anymore and i can't be bothered). I exercise 5-7 times a week at the moment as i have a birthday coming up and want to get into a size 12-14. My advice

    Exercise every day - over and above normal routines - even if it is just a walk for 10 minutes.
    Track cal's daily - stick to your target most of the time.
    Have regular but planned treat day but no more than 300-400
    None food treat every time you reach target e.g Every 10 lb (a dress size). Whatever you can afford.

    Good luck
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    Another Brit here too.

    Have to be honest, now Im fit enough, I cycle about 150 miles a week to shift mine. But I started at the local uni's gym at two lots of 15 minute aerobic exercise 3 times a week. Drum and bass music to keep rhythm and concentrate only on the heart beat.

    Then it went to 4 times a week, then I got up to 45 min sessions, then I got bored (Tell me about it Kelly) with it and started road cycling. So, now 4 mornings a week I do a 20 mile round trip before uni, and then eat well during the day.

    Im too heavy at the moment for running, but I have Couch to 5k lined up for when my knees can take it.

    As far as food goes, its mainly chicken, tuna and shed loads of veggies. My only vice is that I have to have demerara sugar in my fresh coffee or the world is in danger :laugh:

    So, my advice is start slow.
    Exercise your heart and lungs at the beginning and then move onto other stuff when you are comfortable with it.
    I try to eat some of my exercise calories every day, but a big bike ride at the weekend generates too many.
    I cheat sometimes, but only when I have enough calories to do so (Snickers bars .. I get the urge .. terrible) Dont feel too guilty about it .. lol

    All in all, I think this site is a very good way of helping.

    In 8 weeks I have lost 23lbs (10kg) and by the time I leave uni in May, I want to lose another 15kg.

    Keep with it. Its worth it (I think)