SO SURGERY,,,, would you???

Ok so for 18 months you've been hard at the gym/ exercise and have finally hit that ideal weight that you've always had in mnd and even achieved a size smaller than you ever thought possible. But theres one thing that is still not how you imagined it- THE STOMACH!......

I have had 3 children by 2 sections (twins 1 year ago) and all the above is me. I have finally hit my under 150lbs- '5ft 7 and the smallest I have ever been. But I have this 'pouch' as I call it that just does not look nice. It is the only thing I dont like about me, its visible through certain clothes sits over bikinis and just does not look pretty. I could continue to loose weight as its only excess weight/ fat right??- but I dont want to look to skinny. I like the fact I have shape, my boobs are small (this is a whole new issue) if I keep going what will be left.

SO surgery- would you consider??!!!!!


  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I'm not considering it, I will have it. But only after I maintained my weight for a full 12 months.
    If you worked so hard to get there, and you can show yourself that you can continue doing it, and stay healthy. Be happy, do it :-)
    I did not work that hard to run around with 2 bags under my arms, and between my legs, and that enormous bag at my belly.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    i have had 6 children i am scheduled for surgery jan 9th and i am excited to get rid of this post pregnancy pooch!
  • Ok so for 18 months you've been hard at the gym/ exercise and have finally hit that ideal weight that you've always had in mnd and even achieved a size smaller than you ever thought possible. But theres one thing that is still not how you imagined it- THE STOMACH!......

    I have had 3 children by 2 sections (twins 1 year ago) and all the above is me. I have finally hit my under 150lbs- '5ft 7 and the smallest I have ever been. But I have this 'pouch' as I call it that just does not look nice. It is the only thing I dont like about me, its visible through certain clothes sits over bikinis and just does not look pretty. I could continue to loose weight as its only excess weight/ fat right??- but I dont want to look to skinny. I like the fact I have shape, my boobs are small (this is a whole new issue) if I keep going what will be left.

    SO surgery- would you consider??!!!!!

    If a trainer and doctor tells you it isn't gonna come off with exercise and it wouldn't break you to do so, I would consider it. I also had twins a year ago, so I know about the damage multiples do to your tummy.
  • My mother-in-law had a tummy tuck. She is very healthy and fit. Her tummy was just loose from her pregnancies. She was thrilled with the results. I think as long as you are done having babies, then why not? You could go meet with some surgeons and get info/do some homework. Life is too short to not be happy. If you don't have surgery then make the choice to accept that it is what it is. It brought you 3 babies and served you well! If you do get surgery, ignore all the negative nancy's that act like only a shallow person with no self esteem would do such a thing. They need to hop down off their soap boxes. lol
  • It's a big step but hey, if it makes you feel better about yourself, go for it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I think this comes down to each persons own decision and how it will make them feel overall... I have lost 311 lbs. and have been working at taking it off as slow as possible and have been lifting weights, hydrating, using lotions, etc, etc.. Everything your told to do but with my massive weight loss I have been left with a bunch of excess skin. My self esteem is still suffering from this and I have elected to have surgery. I am having a circumferential body lift surgery on the 24th (9 days) I have made a blog and have put up all my transformation pictures, including presurgery loose skin photo's and will be blogging (have been the last couple weeks) through surgery and out the other side and all that it entails... Again this decision has to be yours and I believe it comes down to how will it make you feel in the end. I can't say now but I can only imagine having a flat stomach, my clothes fitting better, not having all this loose skin problem while exercising, etc.... Best of Luck to you....
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    If some excess skin is still around 6 months after I hit my goal weight I see no problem. Its a nice reward for yourself for doing a good job in my books.
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    My mother-in-law had a tummy tuck. She is very healthy and fit. Her tummy was just loose from her pregnancies. She was thrilled with the results. I think as long as you are done having babies, then why not? You could go meet with some surgeons and get info/do some homework. Life is too short to not be happy. If you don't have surgery then make the choice to accept that it is what it is. It brought you 3 babies and served you well! If you do get surgery, ignore all the negative nancy's that act like only a shallow person with no self esteem would do such a thing. They need to hop down off their soap boxes. lol

    Definately done with children, I have my hands full so now I am claiming me back. That you and I have thought what some may say.... but I know this will finally complete my body transformation.!
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    I think this comes down to each persons own decision and how it will make them feel overall... I have lost 311 lbs. and have been working at taking it off as slow as possible and have been lifting weights, hydrating, using lotions, etc, etc.. Everything your told to do but with my massive weight loss I have been left with a bunch of excess skin. My self esteem is still suffering from this and I have elected to have surgery. I am having a circumferential body lift surgery on the 24th (9 days) I have made a blog and have put up all my transformation pictures, including presurgery loose skin photo's and will be blogging (have been the last couple weeks) through surgery and out the other side and all that it entails... Again this decision has to be yours and I believe it comes down to how will it make you feel in the end. I can't say now but I can only imagine having a flat stomach, my clothes fitting better, not having all this loose skin problem while exercising, etc.... Best of Luck to you....

    Youa re doing so well, amazing hats off to you..... keep up the fab work you should be so pleased!:-)
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    well thanks you have all given me even more faith in my decision. x
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    absolutely. I plan on a boob lift &, tummy tuck after I reach goal & can maintain for at least 6 months.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    no friggin way. i am prrof positive that you can do it. i weighed 316 the day i delivered my 2nd child. i have a nice flat set of abs that i work very very hard for is do able!!! it has taken a looong time but it can be done!!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Yes, and did. in 2003-2004 I had very low body fat (around 13-15%) and had no boobs. I got implants and felt much more feminine. Even crazier, was that after I got implants, people I worked with started commenting on my recent "weight loss." I went from a small B cup to a DD cup, took 3 weeks off work, and suddenly I look thinner?

    I think the weight loss comments had to do with a newly feminine look. I was 140 before the surgery, so I had a lot of muscle on me and not much bodyfat. Most of the muscle was in my lower body. The implants gave the illusion of a smaller waist, and people saw it as a weight loss.

    Of course, I didn't advertize what I was having done at my work place. I simply said I was having a minor elective surgery on my lady parts. :wink: That pretty much shut up all the guys I worked with.
  • Let us all know how the surgery goes. I am considering it in a couple of years and would like to know if the pain and result was worth it. I am defin gonna shop for surgeons though.
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes. After I get to where I want to be, cause my belly skin already looks terrible, and my stomach muscles are really separated, making me look pregnant all the time.:(
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    YES...if you can afford it why not?
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I want arms and maybe belly too but have to lose and maintain. I can "clap" with out even using my hands :embarassed:
  • Go for it!! Not everyone can reclaim their muscle tone after having babies and not everyone has wonderful resilient skin that shrinks right back into shape after being stretched. If you are comfortable with the idea and can financially afford it I say go for it and enjoy.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    DID IT and love the results.