Losing Body fat% Whats the trick?

I'm training for a marathon this summer and would like to lower my body fat % some more. But I thought the only way you could lose body fat is if you do a ton of cardio. I'm trying to not lose that much more weight so how do i maintain my current weight, but still lower my body fat %. My body fat is 17.6% and i'm 26, 6' 180lbs? Whats the trick????


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Higher protein and lower carb not in a fad way but play with your ratios. I'm noting this because I'm about to start fat shedding phase of p90x and my ratios are 50pro 30carb 20fat not that I can comment from experience but other members could clarify. I've seen a lot of studies that verify higher protein and resistance exercise compared to lower protein and just cardio exercise have resulted in a higher fat loss. If you keep your calories high you can attempt to maintain and train though I bet you won't be hungry lol. :) Ben
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Strength training. You will replace body fat with lean muscle, and your body will burn more calories & fat on a 24/7 basis.