Getting Family To Eat Whole Wheat



  • mehaffeymk
    mehaffeymk Posts: 154 Member
    omg are we married to the same guy? my husband acts like a child when it comes to trying new things. i have been making two different dinners (white rice and brown rice, white past and whole wheat pasta, etc) but it gets tedious and time consuming! when i ask him to try new things, he complains that he doesnt want to and then if he does, he gets that scrunched up "this is disgusting" look on his face before the food has even TOUCHED his tongue. it's so frustrating! i just wish he would TRY things with an OPEN MIND before he decides he doesnt like them. obviously then i wouldnt be so pissed because not everyone likes everything! i dont know how to get around this closed mind thing.
  • MommaSpunk
    I just did it, and didn't ask... -shrugs- they eat it..
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    I cook what I cook. If anyone doesn't like it then they are welcome to take over cooking duties!

    How did I get them to eat whole grains? By serving it up. By simply not buying the crap anymore.

    This ^. It only took me chucking my husband's dinner in the sink once with a "fine, then buy, plan and cook your own damn food, I'm just trying to keep you healthy" for him to get the message. He's an adult, he can put his big boy panties on and suck it up.
    As for the kids, they've never had the option, it's always been brown everything since they were little.
    I admit to being smug when one of my kids asks "where's the brown bread?" when we're out at a bbq or whatever. Yes I brainwash my children with nutritional info, No I don't care!

    "Every night for dinner I give my family two options: "Take it, or leave it." "
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    I never tried the pasta yet.... little wary about the taste.... eventually I will.
    So I would say to start out with things that are the easiest to change.... like the breads. Those were the first things I got used to. Only buy that type. If he wants something else, he can buy it himself and make his own meals. Eventually even if you weren't too fond of the taste to begin with... (I never originally liked whole wheat hamburger buns for example), you get used to it.
  • DexterDarko
    I'm trying to get healthy but my mom won't buy most of the stuff I suggest (I'm 16, can't drive, jobless.) It's pretty aggravating lol. But she does buy some stuff which helps, but I can't wait to become independent and have my own money to buy what I want and stay healthy. Will be so much more helpful.

    I asked the same whole wheat question and got nearly the same answer aswell a couple days ago :(
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Neither of us like whole wheat pasta, its like eating cardboard. Brown Rice you could chew for England (although I dont actually mind it). Our diet is still quite heathly. White rice can be bland if its cheap and certainly if its overcooked. Have you tried Basmati? If my husband put something down to me that he knew that I didnt like, dont think it would add to a heathly atmosphere. We like dining together that is part of the fun of eating. Dare I use the word Compromise.......
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    When I first started eating healthy, I fixed whole wheat for me and white pasta for my boyfriend (he's the same way - says it taste like cardboard). Ironically, I decided to try spiral noodles made of brown rice pasta (in the glueten-free section), and my boyfriend tried one of mine (in marinara sauce), and he said it tasted just like regular pasta. I haven't made pasta since then, but I am going to try to use brown rice pasta in all of the pasta dishes I make now.

    When I started doing this the 2nd time around, I just made white pastas. He won't eat brown rice either, so I do the boil-in-a-bag rice and put 1 white rice and 1 brown rice in the boiling water.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I am a severely gluten intolerant. My mom broke down and bought some GF noodles for a family get together so I wouldn't have to bring my own food. She told me first thing, "I am never going back to regular pasta again. These noodles taste so much better and are lower in calories." They are made with brown rice. Super yummy.
    Exactly! I'm just now seeing this comment after I posted.