Glass/sharp Pains In Ball Of Foot

I sprained my foot back in the first week of June. Never had done that before and assumed I'd be fine by doing RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation)

Anyway, its forever ago now and I have glass/sharp like pains in the ball of my foot. I've already scheduled an appt but had to schedule almost a month out (I live in a rural city) My appt is this coming Wed.

Any ideas on what it may be? I dont think its plantar fasciitis, because my Mom has it and its not the same area or pain that she describes. Maybe a stress fracture? It hurts when I flex the foot with each step.


  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    It might be a stress fracture. It's too bad you have to wait so long to be seen by the doctor. Try to stay off it as much as you can in the meantime. I had a stress fracture in my foot several years ago. It hurt every time I stepped down and whenever I walked. My doctor put me in a *lovely* black boot which took the pressure off the fracture. Six weeks later, it was healed and feeling much better!
    Take it easy and try to skip workouts until you see your doctor. Hope it gets better soon!:flowerforyou: