Just joined

Hey, I'm Lisa, I'm going to be 21 in less than two weeks, and I just joined this site.
So about myself and pertaining to fitness.....
I was at my heaviest when I started my first year of college in 2010... I was 182 lbs. It slowly crept up on me starting in middle school.... my weight would be consistent during the school year, but as soon as summer started i would just sit around and watch tv and end up gaining 8 - 10 lbs every summer from then on.
First year at college I dropped around 10 lbs just because I didn't have a lot of money and therefore didn't always have access to junk food and soda. Plus I was forced to walk around more often to get to classes and on campus events/activities. But as soon as I went home I went back to where I started....
Second year... similar thing. Lost weight slowly... did a bit more walking around campus and on a nearby riverwalk since our campus is near the mississippi. I also had purchased every Just Dance game, which made things more fun. I absolutely hate running and most forms of exercise which is why I don't do it. Dancing, however, is so much fun. I kept up at it over the summer and managed to maintain my weight.
So I'm starting off this year at 164 lbs at the moment. Haven't had as much time to play the dance games, but I did join a swing dance club at school which at least gets me moving for 2 hours once every week.
I joined this site because I like how it's easy to keep track of food intake, and how every imagineable brand and food source is listed with calorie info, and also how it can estimate calories burned based on your workout. I hope to eventually get down to at least get down to what would be considered a healthy weight range for me which is about 155 (I haven't been there since my freshmen year in high school), and then a goal weight would be somewhere in the 130's.
I look forward to connecting with y'all and joining in on this quest for health.