

  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I'm old, out of college, working PT, with 4 kids, 4 - 14. I work out every day. When they were babies I worked out at home with videos or on a NordicTrak. After a while I'd go to the gym and take drop them in the nursery. By now I have a lot more freedom, but I still bring the 4-year-old with me to the gym or dance studio.
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    SAHM of 3 here: I like to wake up at 4:30-5 a.m. and go for a long walk/run, returning by 6 a.m. when my husband leaves to work out with his unit (military) and the older two kids need to start getting ready for school. On the rare occasion that I can't get moving early, I either take the little one to the family room at our gym (after we drop the others at school) and I work out while she plays with other kids. OR we do the trampoline in the backyard together. OR I do Leslie Sansone walking DVD's in the living room (she'll either watch me or watch Dora on the computer nearby). OR I'll take her for a slow walk up/down our street (at 3, she can walk/run up to a mile at a very quick pace for having such little legs). Sometimes I carry her home on my back. I also have a jogging stroller for back-up if she's too tired to walk some days; she never is. So then, if I've picked the older two up from school by 3 p.m. and still haven't worked out, then we'll do some Nickolodeon Dance or Zumba together on the Xbox after school. If I haven't worked out by dinner, then the entire family goes for a walk together (including the dog) after dinner. If that doesn't work, then I just work hard doing extra chores around the house, refusing to just sit down on the couch and relax even if everyone else is. My goal: just keep moving! I wear a Fitbit, so I try for a minimum of 10,000 steps every day, no matter what! Most days I get up to 15,000 steps. My best day so far was 24,000 steps.... And I always have alternatives and then alternatives to my alternatives so there is absolutely no excuse for me not moving anymore. So far, it's worked for 36 days straight now. Feels GREAT and gives me so much more energy... I absolutely can't afford NOT to keep moving anymore... Just keep moving! They say we'll never get the *kitten* we want, by sitting on the one we have. :)
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I go to the gym and utilize the child care facilities there. It give me time to myself and my kids time to play with other kids. We've had to cut a lot out of our budget this past year, but our gym membership has been a keeper. It's my social outlet and we figure even if we have nothing else we can still be healthy.
  • tiffyvee
    Thanks a lot ladies! Great insight!