New friends please :) (F, 28, tall, losing 28 lbs)

Hi all, I have some really lovely friends on here who are all great and very supportive but I'd like some new ones - specifically people with similar goals to me.

I'm looking to lose 28lbs-ish, but really more interested in inch loss overall and may never get to my goal weight as if I increase muscle, 10 stone is pretty light for 5"11.

I'm trying to keep my macros to 30/30/40 (carbs/ fat/ protein) too so keen to see how others do it and if it works for them. I'm at 1200 and eat back all my exercise calories (well, mostly)

Also have a penchant for wine..... this is my downfall.

Anyone else in similar circumstances?


  • gingameister
    gingameister Posts: 125 Member
    I'm looking to lose 28lbs as well! Done half so far. I'll send you an add request!
    Good luck!
  • kittyd7015
    kittyd7015 Posts: 4,546 Member
    Hey interesting macro idea - ive just been calorie spotting without splitting it down anymore. Care to tell me more bout that? Ill add u as a friend now :-) xx
  • holdthis
    holdthis Posts: 28 Member
    Hi. I need to lose about 50Lbs. I am down 10 already. I increased the amout of protein because i am doing a lot of muscle building activities. I usually only eat my 1200 calories and do not eat back my excercise calories. I have found in the past doing tht i only maintain and do not lose weight. I am not very tall only 5'4" so 185 is quite a lot of weight for my frame. I love this site. It has helped me immensely. :happy:
  • LauraThirty
    Hey interesting macro idea - ive just been calorie spotting without splitting it down anymore. Care to tell me more bout that? Ill add u as a friend now :-) xx

    Hi Kitty thanks for the add!

    Just saw this. Sorry for delay! Well, there was a really helpful MFP member who told me about breaking down macros - she said to aim for 30/30/40 (fat/carbs/protein) - it's really easy if you have the phone app as it shows you a piechartbreakdown.

    I've noticed loads of benefits so far - mostly that despite a lifelong belief that carbs are what keep me going, I've never felt less hungry than I have since uping my protein intake. Also, my muscles don't ache after exercise or the next day. And, I've noticed that the weight I'm losing is fat and water, rather than muscle mass. In the past I've managed to get that kind of "skinny-fat" look but since switching up my foods and keeping carbs lower, I seem to get much more benefit from exercise.

    She also told me to keep sugar low i.e under 35g a day where possible and at first I thought she was mad but I have many far fewer cravings now. She basically said "Think protein every time you eat something, and always check sugar" You'd be surprised where it lurks and it's basically just empty calories waiting to turn to fat.

    I knw eeryone does it differently but this is certainly working for me :)
  • LauraThirty
    Hi. I need to lose about 50Lbs. I am down 10 already. I increased the amout of protein because i am doing a lot of muscle building activities. I usually only eat my 1200 calories and do not eat back my excercise calories. I have found in the past doing tht i only maintain and do not lose weight. I am not very tall only 5'4" so 185 is quite a lot of weight for my frame. I love this site. It has helped me immensely. :happy:

    I love it too. I have the opposite problem that if I dont eat back my exercise calories I maintain. Then I have to just drop lower and lower to shift the weight, it was quite depressing and a bit of a revalation that I can now actually eat! Funny how we all work differently isn't it x
  • sophiemarie2612
    sophiemarie2612 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey im in a similar position too 5'9' with about 20 lbs to lose! never really posted before and only have my friend i statred this all with a few months ago as a friend and kinda hit a plateau recently.. would be interested to hear more about how u cut down your macros as im usually creeping over both my carbs and sugar intake x feel free to add me :)