
Hi, 25 y.o. male. I put on a few extra pounds when I stopped running back in around in August last year. I have started back with running and swimming. I signed up at the YMCA with a personal trainer to build on muscle and work on my lean body mass. In addition am doing Yoga/ Pilates and Spinning once a week. I have gained 30 pounds since August last year went from 160 pounds to 190 pounds. My body fat percentage is 25% and my BMI is about 27. I only time focused on what I eat was when I originally started to run and was able to cut the pounds dropped to 150 pounds.

This site is awesome in allowing you to keep track of what you eat. I eat pretty healthy, but I snack throughout the day and surprised how much that adds up. In addition, changing what snacks I eat between meals to keep me full. The only issue is the amount of carbohydrates; I always thought I eat a lot of carbs. However, cannot keep up with the amount needed always short by 100. I increased my amount of protein I take in by an extra 10g or 15g.

Back to fitness looking to drop 15 pounds before the Holidays. Then work on an additional 20 pounds for next year. Working to build upper body strength and strengthen my muscles for exercise. I am prepping to train for a 50K or 50 mile run in May. Won’t start counting what I eat until next week. Want to start out see how thing go and where need to make adjustments. Hopefully next week won’t be injured and can get a full week of exercise in.