Small slice of cake??



  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    ditch the word diet! its a lifestyle change. and the more you deprive yourself the more likely you will eventually binge and pig out! everyone deserves a treat, try to eat healthy 80% of the time and then 20% eat what you want :) btw 1200 may or may not be enough cals; just because mfp says to eat that amount doesnt mean its the right amount for you.

    or you could throw in extra excercise and eat that cake!
  • AtlantaWriter
    AtlantaWriter Posts: 91 Member
    Yes, cake is OK! Just don't go overboard, and work it into your meal plan. Also, remember that exercise can give you some extra calories to work with. Denying yourself foods you love does NOT work. I love chocolate, and if I thought I had to never ever chocolate again, I'd go insane! So I eat sugar-free pudding or cocoa, and buy dark chocolate (which I don't like as much as milk chocolate) and just eat a small amount, enough to satisfy my craving. (If I had milk chocolate around I'd be tempted to eat more.) And if you mess up and eat too much, it's OK, just move on and keep working at it! You can do it!
  • lolly2721
    lolly2721 Posts: 56 Member
    Why would you deprive yourself? A small piece won't hurt you. It's having 10 small pieces or one large one. As long as you stay within your caloric limit you will be fine. I have found that if I deprive myself, I just want the food more and will go overboard.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Not at all, it's all about portion control. Me myself, I don't keep myself away from any food I like. I just make sure I stay within my calorie goal/ other nutritional goals ( At least try my best too). I've been doing this since I started and it works, You don't have to eat 100% clean to lose weight. In my mind you shouldn't have to, since this is going to be a life style change, that would be pointless to keep yourself away from anything you know you are going to eat in the future.

    Definitely how I feel about it too.. I have cake and I have ice cream, but I pay attention to portions. I find that I don't have to have a big piece anymore. A few bites usually satisfies me now.