So I slipped up today

So to day I slipped up really bad. I ate a 9" pepperoni pizza from pizza hut. It is tough for me when it comes time for football season not to just grap a pizza and stuff my face. I had been doing good avoiding it today but when a freind of mine walked in with one for him and one for me, oh and the smell of the evil wench of a pizza was just to much and i caved and caved hard. At one point i realized i had the grease running all the way down onto my neck. But boy it was so damn tasty. I totally blew my well everything for the day on my food plan.

Can I just come up really short the next few days to make up for it or do i just write it off as an oops and move on? I'm thinking just move on because I feel hungery every second of every day right now.


  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    Typically, it's not a matter of if you'll slip up, but when. If I were you, I'd just move on and make healthier choices throughout the day. Besides, you only live once! This is a lifestyle change, not a "I'm going to restrict every little thing and feel guilty if I indulge" change. Learn from your mistake, take it for what it is, and move on.
  • ullgetthere
    I so agree.Just make sure you log it in ( I know it hurts but it's important) and move on. It's normal, hey we're human and we like pizza :) Never try to ''make it up'', you need your calorie intake and if you cut a lot on the days to come you will starve and binge (a horrible cycle, trust me) :)
  • hello50s
    What I do is have one cheat day a week, and I try to make it Friday because that is my weigh in day.

    That day, I do not count calories, I can eat what I feel like. I try not to over-do it but it gives me a day to look forward to each week, and I can reward myself for a week of eating really well. Plus, it is the weekend, and you have to live! It is a lifestyle change, not a quick diet :)

    I am still loosing weight doing it this way, and makes me much happier.
  • titanium2012
    I'm in the same boat as you, except not with food but with beer. I was doing fine for a month without it. But now during football season, I let myself have some. I didn't go crazy, but now all I've been doing is regretting it and thinking that it wasn't worth it. The silver lining I can find is that now I know that I probably won't be tempted again anytime soon. It's definitely not worth feeling bad afterwards.

    I say the same as what everyone else says. Log it and then move on.
  • Josh2040
    Josh2040 Posts: 45 Member
    Well I logged it and man it is not pretty and I feel sick just looking at it 700 cal over and the fat well lets not talk about that. I'm just going to get back to doing things as ussual and forget about it thanks for the support everyone.
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    Technically you are tracking your net weekly totals, so as long as there is a deficit at the end of the week, you should (in theory) still lose. That's not to say that you should starve yourself for the next 6 days though - just try make healthy choices and get out there and burn some exercise calories. A pizza has a lot of sodium, so drink lots of water tomorrow and try to watch your sodium intake. One day, one pizza . . . will not ruin your entire week unless you let it!!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    You logged it, which is very important. Try to remember how you feel after eating it, but defintely, don't let this stop your journey.
    Allowing yourself a cheat meal(s) for special occaisions will let you keep your sanity.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Typically, it's not a matter of if you'll slip up, but when. If I were you, I'd just move on and make healthier choices throughout the day. Besides, you only live once! This is a lifestyle change, not a "I'm going to restrict every little thing and feel guilty if I indulge" change. Learn from your mistake, take it for what it is, and move on.


    We still have to live and have splurge days. Drink lots of water and clean up your food choices for next week - it'll all even out.

    I've tracked my food net weekly since I started MFP so I can have a day or two over and not stress, knowing I'll have other days a little under. It's all good - we log it and move on.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I wouldnt make it a habit but you arent going to hell for eating a pizza. Logging it is really important and im sure you had that feeling of disappointment when you did but tomorrow is a new day. Personally i have faturday every week which is when im a little more lenient with myself but i still log everything. Turns out im not as naughty those days as it could be because im allowed to be. It really does keep me on track for my whole week.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I wouldn't consider indulging once a week a slip up. It can actually be more beneficial for your weight loss in the long run.
  • So to day I slipped up really bad. I ate a 9" pepperoni pizza from pizza hut. It is tough for me when it comes time for football season not to just grap a pizza and stuff my face. I had been doing good avoiding it today but when a freind of mine walked in with one for him and one for me, oh and the smell of the evil wench of a pizza was just to much and i caved and caved hard. At one point i realized i had the grease running all the way down onto my neck. But boy it was so damn tasty. I totally blew my well everything for the day on my food plan.

    Can I just come up really short the next few days to make up for it or do i just write it off as an oops and move on? I'm thinking just move on because I feel hungery every second of every day right now.

    Don't feel bad. I went to the Greek Festival today and had Chicken Gyro, tiropita, and baklavah (spelling probably way off). Don't even know HOW to log all that and I'm sure it was bad. HOWEVER, I just realized that the way I have been establishing my food numbers was completely off. I just found a post by someone on MFP who has set up an easy easy way to make sure you consume the proper amount of calories. Ehhh the fat content may have been off with the pizza but your calorie consumption may not have been. And also, a cheat day is always acceptable. You gotta live. Also ITS FOOTBALL SEASON PIZZA IS EXPECTED. :drinker: When Carolina swept the floor with New Orleans, a pizza would have been the perfect companion if I had one :-D

    I bookmarked his post. Please read it because it makes the most sense out of anything I've ever read. Its great!!! And please don't feel bad. :)

    Here you go:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Typically, it's not a matter of if you'll slip up, but when. If I were you, I'd just move on and make healthier choices throughout the day. Besides, you only live once! This is a lifestyle change, not a "I'm going to restrict every little thing and feel guilty if I indulge" change. Learn from your mistake, take it for what it is, and move on.

    I agree. Just be more aware next time.
  • uspp223
    uspp223 Posts: 32 Member
    My two cents ----

    with the original post and some follow-ups - I see a pattern - FOOTBALL, otherwise known as "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" -

    I have some theories - FOOTBALL will control your life (as it does mine), unless you have a plan - it isn't right, especially for those of us who are "really trying"! and only happens from August until February!

    so here is my suggestion - PREPARE FOR IT!

    intentionally make Sunday your "cheat" day - I work out, and eat great on m, t, w, th, f, and sat - and make sun my cheat/recovery day for a reason - SO I DON'T HOLD IT AGAINST MYSELF!!!!!! I will still try to "stretch" on Sundays; however, I do not make it a regular workout day for me.

    When at home, I make it a point to eat healthy before and after the game - during the game, I COULD CARE LESS - this goes for food and beer or whatever - we are talking about 3 hours, you can't do that much damage! have some self-control though (if possible) it can be tough to take a tough loss and really over indulge! but, WORK THROUGH IT

    When at the game, you know, actually there - all bet's are off, you just dropped a boatload of dough to be there, I will let the cards play and over indulge.... let's face it, it may only happen a few times (if that) a year... and if it's more than that, you could probably afford a personal trainer to take care of this stuff!

    Now the reality -

    YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON, as am I - I have found that even with the "I will let the cards play and over indulge.." - even during football - I will still think about everything I am eating and drinking, account for it on MFP, and if necessary "try" to make up for it with workouts afterwards,if only for my own "self-worthiness"

    I think the big thing is to understand that you, and I, are controlled by this day, and by our attraction to our team - DO YOUR BEST!

    I try to limit my consumption of beer by limiting the beer available, I put myself on a "beer budget" during the week - say, 6 beers a week - I can save them up for the game, or have one, two, or three during the week, and then the rest during the game -

    It's up to you

    I know it's tough for me, but the beer budget is what I do, and trust me, I save them for the game, and even in a tough loss (I'm a Packer fan, so week one against the 49's, it was tested) I say, that's your budget, that's it!

    DO YOUR BEST - THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES, AND TRY MODERATION- But always be a fan, either way, use the win or the loss as motivation during your workouts during the week!

    Good Luck and know you are not the only one with Football Sunday issues!!!!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. Pizza and football are MEANT to be together!

    One bad day is not the end of the world. You have the rest of the week to make up for it. Besides, if you give up all of the foods you love so much, there's a bigger chance that you'll fall off the wagon. Just make up for it the rest of the week, and keep reminding yourself that pizza is a "sometimes food," not an "all the time food."

    BTW -- Pizza Hut is the you have a Papa Murphy's near you? MUCH BETTER choice, it's a take-and-bake.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    omg the world is going to end..dont worry bout it... ur body is going to kick most of it out if your diet is healthy already.. i went to izzys the other day and wont be back for some time... pepperoni and pineapple use to be yum.. taste like chit now... all i taste is oil and to many spices that over ride each other and becoming blah... no my number one food is gone..
  • JoanFalk
    So you are driving down the road heading to some friends you haven't seen in a while, wham you get a flat tier. Now you have two choices sit there and not ever go anywhere again or change the tire and go on. Well change the tire and go! Your friends are waiting!!! I agree with the cheat day (with in reason). First of all when you are continually in a calorie deficit your body will eventually go into starvation mode. Forgive your self and go on. Don't cut your calories any the rest of the week though, walk and extra 10 min each day and do a couple extra reps. want more info on starvation mode read burn the fat feed the muscle by tom venuto. Jo
  • NocturnalGirl
    I'm thinking just move on

    You answered it
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    What I do is have one cheat day a week, and I try to make it Friday because that is my weigh in day.

    That day, I do not count calories, I can eat what I feel like. I try not to over-do it but it gives me a day to look forward to each week, and I can reward myself for a week of eating really well. Plus, it is the weekend, and you have to live! It is a lifestyle change, not a quick diet :)

    I am still loosing weight doing it this way, and makes me much happier.

  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Don't shoot yourself, everyone has a day where they slip up. You logged it and tomorrow is a new day! Just eat well the rest of the week and drink plenty of water and move forward. No harm, no foul and don't let yourself use it as an excuse to give up!
  • Josh2040
    Josh2040 Posts: 45 Member
    My two cents ----

    with the original post and some follow-ups - I see a pattern - FOOTBALL, otherwise known as "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!" -

    I have some theories - FOOTBALL will control your life (as it does mine), unless you have a plan - it isn't right, especially for those of us who are "really trying"! and only happens from August until February!

    so here is my suggestion - PREPARE FOR IT!

    intentionally make Sunday your "cheat" day - I work out, and eat great on m, t, w, th, f, and sat - and make sun my cheat/recovery day for a reason - SO I DON'T HOLD IT AGAINST MYSELF!!!!!! I will still try to "stretch" on Sundays; however, I do not make it a regular workout day for me.

    When at home, I make it a point to eat healthy before and after the game - during the game, I COULD CARE LESS - this goes for food and beer or whatever - we are talking about 3 hours, you can't do that much damage! have some self-control though (if possible) it can be tough to take a tough loss and really over indulge! but, WORK THROUGH IT

    When at the game, you know, actually there - all bet's are off, you just dropped a boatload of dough to be there, I will let the cards play and over indulge.... let's face it, it may only happen a few times (if that) a year... and if it's more than that, you could probably afford a personal trainer to take care of this stuff!

    Now the reality -

    YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON, as am I - I have found that even with the "I will let the cards play and over indulge.." - even during football - I will still think about everything I am eating and drinking, account for it on MFP, and if necessary "try" to make up for it with workouts afterwards,if only for my own "self-worthiness"

    I think the big thing is to understand that you, and I, are controlled by this day, and by our attraction to our team - DO YOUR BEST!

    I try to limit my consumption of beer by limiting the beer available, I put myself on a "beer budget" during the week - say, 6 beers a week - I can save them up for the game, or have one, two, or three during the week, and then the rest during the game -

    It's up to you

    I know it's tough for me, but the beer budget is what I do, and trust me, I save them for the game, and even in a tough loss (I'm a Packer fan, so week one against the 49's, it was tested) I say, that's your budget, that's it!

    DO YOUR BEST - THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES, AND TRY MODERATION- But always be a fan, either way, use the win or the loss as motivation during your workouts during the week!

    Good Luck and know you are not the only one with Football Sunday issues!!!!
    This^^^ Most helpful post ever. Oh and your going to cry when my vikings beat your packers. Yup just brought the fight across the river:devil: