Initial Goal Made!

Two months and one day ago, I started out at 212.5 lbs. Today, I am under my 190 lbs goal with a weigh in of 189.6 lbs! It's a great feeling. As 190 was only my initial goal, I have set a new one and am on my way towards achieving that one! There is one question that I have though:

It is obvious that I've been losing weight (I show it in the face more than anything), but now I would like to focus on more than just weight and would like to focus on losing inches from areas of my body (stomach mainly). Any recommendations on how to get started with this, what to track other than just calories, etc.?

Stay strong everyone!


  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Track macros. Lots of protein...I aim for about 200g a day. Macros will help with body composition. Also, lift weights (the heavier, the better).
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Changing the initial goal do another one is great. I've done that twice.

    It sounds like you are looking more at toning. It might be beneficial to contact a nutritionist/doctor or personal trainer, just to find out what your numbers should be. Proteins, carbs and fats are usually things to track more but in my opinion, the numbers can change based on your body type and exercises...

    You'll probably get a lot of responses with various opinions or numbers but to focus on something specific like that, I'd recommend a professional, even if just for a consultation.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    way to go!!!!

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    There is no way to spot specifically lose weight. If you lose weight overall, you'll lose body fat and muscle mass. So stick with your program and keep losing. To regain or avoid losing muscle and to lose inches in different areas of your body, use a regular strength training regimen. If you stay on that track for 3-6 months, you will see noticeable improvements in your strength, body shape, clothes "getting loose" and all kinds of other healthy benefits. I set a number of interim weight loss goals over the last year, reached all of them, and sooner than I would have expected. Downside to that is I now have many items in my closet purchased when I thought I was "there", only to lose another 20 pounds and now that stuff of course no longer fits. Good problem to have I suppose. Good luck to you.
  • belltyler
    belltyler Posts: 6 Member
    This is really great advice and I think you're right. I just need to stick with my iterative goals and do some weight training (which I started ~2 weeks ago). I mean it's only been 2 months, I think I am just getting ahead of myself!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Well done, you've done so well so far! Lift heavy weights, eat plenty of protein, you're well on your way!
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