Feeling like a failure...



  • Cookiedough9
    Thankyou everyone for posting <3:) It really means a lot to me, glad we can all relate too :D
  • AutumnRose33
    What about baking something and giving it away to a neighbor with a busy schedule or small kids? Someone that doesn't have time to bake. Or a nursing home or hospital, or even a soup kitchen? I bet you could find plenty of people who would appreciate your talent without you having it sitting around being tempting.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I bake all the time. I love cooking and baking. The key is cooking healthier, and portioning it out. I like to bake, then keep a small amount for my hubby and I, and then share the rest with friends and coworkers.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I have those days for sure. Mine was with chocolate chip cookies several weeks ago now. And some days I just eat more than I should. All I can say is don't beat yourself up, everyone goes over unless there is truly a perfect person out there.

    Maybe try and look at is as a "treat" day, or a special day where you can have some goodies without guilt. You work hard and eat right most of the time I am guessing. It is ok to overindulge once in awhile. This isn't about depriving ourselves of some fun foods or slack days. It's about balance. You are ok and you are with others that do the same. The more you eat right and exercise the less guilt you will feel I think. In fact, you will probably just get on here and cheer about the "goodies" you indulged in and didn't gain an ounce!!

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    idont have t same problem but when im making my son and husbands meals i steal some eek

    my biggest weakness is making salsa and i eat it as i go but i saposs its healthy =D
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    You were honest with your MFP peeps & yourself.....WIN!!!:happy:
  • thale829
    I do this as well. The thing that makes me not have an issue is to bake later in the evening, almost at bedtime, on Sunday and then bring whatever I baked to work the next day so it isn't sitting around my house. I also stop the temptation of the beaters and whatnot by immediately making whatever batter I am using then once I'm done, pour it into the proper apparatus then throw the mixing bowl and all accessories under water. Putting them in the sink and dousing with water will DEFINITELY make me not eat that stuff.
  • jenniferrow
    "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." ~Henry Ford