Hello my name is Aimee & I'm addicted to food

I am slowly learning to get healthy, but food is always on my mind. I hope that one day I can stop obsessing over it so much! The hardest thing to limit is alcohol. A couple of beers helps to ease the stress of two kids & a job w/ the public but it's oh soo bad for you! How do you deal?


  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    Take a walk, do yoga, run, talk to a friend, see a doctor, go to a 12 step meeting, fix a meal, read a book, love your kids, love a pet, fold some clothes, wash dishes, sweep/mop floors, SMILE...these are all healthy alternatives to drinking and over eating...good luck
  • Browneyedgirl140
    Browneyedgirl140 Posts: 102 Member
    When I first started watching what I eat, I tried to change one thing at a time whether it was adding something or replacing something with a healthier item. I eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies when I crave food instead of chips, cookies, etc. I too love a drink here and then, my drinks of choice lately are rum and diet coke vs. beer or skinny girl wine.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • Invictus195
    I used to be the same way but Now I speed walk or run listening to hard rock/metal! The endorphin release is unreal for NATURALLY relieving stress. You need to do this, drinking it away will just lead to more garbage stress...trust me :(
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    I remind myself fodd is only a temporary pleasure and the feeling I have now of being in a size I have not been since junior high ^u^