Petite people

How many people here are really short, like 5'2" and under? I'm around 5 feet and weigh about 107 pounds and still feel as though I'm heavy in relation to my height. My legs could use some more toning, especially my inner thighs...I feel as though being short pressures us more to stay skinny. Thoughts?


  • I'm 5"2. I definitely felt too big at 107, but that's just me... I also have small bones, and on different people the fat gathers in different places so you can still look/feel big no matter how small the scale says you are. feel free to add me if you like :))
  • I'm 4'11", when i was at my fittest, I weighed between 108-110. I think it depends on how much muscle you have? I was super fit, and never felt too big. At that time I never could imagine myself weighing what I weigh now. But that's what having a baby does to you!
  • kesstral
    kesstral Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'2" and when I was in grade 10 i was 110lbs at my best (gym class everyday and martial arts). None of the women in my family are thin so my "eating habits" kept getting questioned. That was well over a decade ago and now I'm sad to be almost double that weight, which is why I'm here.
  • I'm 4'11. Your are totally not heavy. Period.
  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 4' 10" and currently weight 104lbs. I wouldn't be considered fat but 5lbs makes a difference on someone with a small frame. I feel my best between 97 and 100lbs. I'm currently working on getting rid of my "menopause middle aka muffin top". I've always been bottom heavy but the new gut just had to go. I just finished Insanity and lost about 5lbs which actually decreased my muffin top a whole lot even though it was only 5lbs.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    You're my twin! I know I'm not heavy, but I won't suffer from better fitness/toning either. I think a lot of petite people do struggle more with how we carry our weight.
  • I'm 4' 10" and currently weight 104lbs. I wouldn't be considered fat but 5lbs makes a difference on someone with a small frame. I feel my best between 97 and 100lbs. I'm currently working on getting rid of my "menopause middle aka muffin top". I've always been bottom heavy but the new gut just had to go. I just finished Insanity and lost about 5lbs which actually decreased my muffin top a whole lot even though it was only 5lbs.

    same here about the comfortable weight. I think that's just about perfect--I can't imagine being 5'2 and THAT thin. Seems a bit extreme to me. I think the VERY ROUGH 100 pounds for the first 5' and 5 pounds for every inch thereafter is actually a pretty good guideline.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You might just need to tone. I'm 5'3" and 112, but low body fat, so I don't feel fat, but I still have areas that could look better. That's why I'm still changing up my workouts.